MovieChat Forums > Jessica Chastain Discussion > The first movie/show you saw her in

The first movie/show you saw her in

I first saw her in Take Shelter and had absolutely no idea who she was. Thought she was pretty and a good actress. But once I saw her in Lawless, Zero Dark Thirty and even Mama...that was pretty much it. Damn she's smokin' hot and damn she can act was all I could think after that. Now she's one of the few actresses that I look forward to watching no matter what she's in. I think a crush is beginning. Anyone else?


The Tree of Life.

It was the discovery of a major talent. You know you're good when you can make a ponderous Terrence Malick film infinately watchable.


The Tree of Life. The moment when she's angry at one of her sons proves she can do body language like no other.


Take Shelter


The Help.


In an episode of E.R. as a guest star in a minor but very powerful performance.Only when I saw The Dept, where she blew me away, did I remember her from 5-6 years earlier from E.R. So, both of those, I guess, to answer your question:)


The Tree of Life, followed immediately by The Help. And I became a fan for life. :-)


The debt and I liked her since then but she really Impressed me in the help.


The reason she gets compared to Meryl Streep is that Terrence Malick had her do a Sophie's Choice type scene at the beginning of The Tree of Life.

Chastain Supernova.
