MovieChat Forums > Rachel Melvin Discussion > Slightly crooked smile... makes her cute...

Slightly crooked smile... makes her cuter?

Maybe it's just me, but I've noticed her smile tends to "lean" a bit. But in a weird way, I find it really cute! As disappointing as Dumb and Dumber To was, her smile was one of the few legitimately enjoyable things about that movie. Okay, I'm done gushing.


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I quite enjoyed Dumb and Dumber To but yes, she was one of the best things about it.


She looks like she could be Jim Carreys daughter


It's those kind of things that make people more attractive . People trying too hard to be perfect and look like plastic is what's unattractive ! She's really cute and is great in dumb and dumber


Yes! I love women with a slightly offset jaw or chin like that.
