MovieChat Forums > Jaimie Alexander Discussion > You know, she could have been the next W...

You know, she could have been the next Wonder Woman...

... And she would have been PERFECT for that role - tall, sexy brunette that likes to fight! She would have been the leading contender over any other female in Hollywood not named Angelina Jolie!

So it's kinda too bad she go that part in the upcoming "Thor"... yeah, it's a great role in a HUGE movie, but I don't see DC looking her way now because of it. Hey, maybe DC and Marvel are not as petty as they used to be in their never-ending - hell, eternal - fight for comicdom supremacy, but it's more probable that they're still as vindictive as ever. So, yeah, that's a shame...

Seriously, she could be Lynda Carter's daughter, for chrissake!


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Considering she's a lesser known actress, she will get a fair shot. Marvel and DC have shared many actors more prominently Ryan Reynolds. Nothing really new.

One ring to rule them all


Evan And Ryan have done more then 1 comic book role, so she can easily still be Wonder Woman

"Lois-I know who your HuSband is! Your Next!!"


maybe if they do the Wonder Woman movie or the justice league still a chance.


I agree. Whoever first suggested her for Wonder Woman is a genius, I can't believe I never saw it before. And I want this to happen even more now considering how the TV show/movie/whatever is turning out. I can't even begin to fathom how awful it looks.

I only do it with superheroes.
