MovieChat Forums > Jaimie Alexander Discussion > I hope she dumps Peter

I hope she dumps Peter

Of course I now nothing about their lives together or the full details of the situation but the guy seems like such a waste of time (I don't like him at all)I think he's dragging her down a bit. It sucks since she's beautiful and talented and really young. Why glom onto some 40 year old with a bunch of kids when you're young single and in the prime of your life? There's other people in the world-- other sexy guys her own age.


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Peter is only 10/11 years older than her -- hardly a huge age difference. My older sister is Jaimie's age and says men are more preferable at that age. Men in their late 20s/early 30s don't settle down so quickly anymore, especially if they live in big cities and have good jobs. The real problem is how Jaimie and Peter's relationship came about. People are always quick to throw the "home wrecker" label at the woman, but let's hold the man accountable here. You know the expression about once you become a cheater...well I wouldn't be surprised if Peter repeated this behavior years down the line.

So I agree that she is gorgeous, in a really good spot in her life and can do better, but the age gap between her and Peter isn't the issue; men who behave like Peter are. So hopefully she come to her senses and pick a better guy sooner rather than later, regardless if he is her age or older.


*nods* That's what I mean when I say he's a waste of time. It sucks since Jaimie for the most part gets the bad label when she wasn't married with children :p

I think there are sexy men who are a solid 20 years older than me. (RDJ anyone?) I should have been more clear that if I thought Peter was a good guy then more power to them. The thing I have to disagree about is that guys in their late 20/ early 30's don't want to settle down. And Jaimie doesn't seem like the type to harp on a boyfriend for a ring.
