Are you even Asian?Yes. Note my username.
There is nothing called 'archetypical Asian features' or 'Western features' on Asians. You sound like an idiot.I'm not the one sounding idiotic, because these aren't my opinion (just ones I've taken from other message boards), so you are getting your panties in a wad for nothing.
But like it or not, there are standard features that separate all ethnicities. Despite the various looks (in your words) no one will ever mistake me for an Indian or Japanese person.
And yes, famous icons are constantly being told that they are only famous because their features appeal to the west. Iman was accused of looking like "a white woman dipped in chocolate" (google it if you don't believe me) and there have been many commenters who say that Taiwanese-Canadian actor Godfrey Gao is only successful because he "doesn't even look that Asian".
Like I keep telling you, all races have VARIOUS looks to them, including Asians, why do I even have to keep telling you this?Obviously. No one is saying otherwise, so you're wasting your breath by constantly mentioning it.
Why are you buying into the 'White racism'? I'm not. Just like the OP said, it is usually Asians who are incredibly narrow-minded in terms of standards of beauty.