Shes not that bad

A lot of people are bashing her saying she can't act. I saw her movies and shows and thought she was fine. She's not the greatest actress I've ever seen but I didn't see her stuff and think she was awful.

I feel like a lot of people look at her stuff and because she was on the real world they nit pick her but do not do this to other actors/actresses. Same thing with The Miz who is a WWE Wrestler, he gets a lot of heat because people think he got his fame by being on the Real World but it's not true both Jamie & Miz worked very hard to be where they are at.


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Agreed. She's no Meryl Streep, but I just saw her in Eden and thought she gave a solid performance.


Both Jamie and Mike went away then got into movies and wrestling. There was no "this is my chance to be a star" aspect to The Real World or other reality shows at the time. In fact the label of reality star has shown a history of a stigma to work against the dream. When I first came across either, I had no idea they were on The Real World.

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I've known who Jamie was for years, & I've seen her multiple shows/movies. & I agree, she's not the best actress but she is very decent.

I didn't know that she was on The RW until today, so it's definitely not her claim to fame.


I just found out she was from The Real World. I thought she was fine as an actress. The whole reality show thing I agree is distracting.
