MovieChat Forums > Jamie Chung Discussion > White Guys and Asian Chicks

White Guys and Asian Chicks

I'm a white guy myself and I have to say that it is such a cliche seeing white guys with asian chicks. I think some white guys have an asian fetish. It makes them feel exotic or something to be with an asian chick. It's just weird.


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Nah, I'm white. I don't have any problems with interracial couples. It's just with White guys and Asian girls it seems to be a cliche. For instance, Hollywood has a tendency to make movies where a white guy is the savior of asians and winds up romancing an asian girl. It's just tacky and stupid.


Andrew Garfield gives some insight in The Social Network. I suggest a watch.


Lol you are clueless. 1st of all the US is what, a couple hundred years old and has already far surpassed China in about everything under the sun. I looked up your post link and it's obvious you are clueless. We invented the internet, nuclear energy (and weapons but hey nobody's perfect), the automobile, 90% of the best films were produced in the US, we have the majority of the world's best graduate schools, etc etc. WTF has China done except copy or imitate everything from our fashion to our military. Hey but thanks for the cheap labor! Sorry little Xiao Chao Shingh has to work for .16c a day but that isn't our fault. China spends billions making counterfeit American and Euro goods, we spend nothing copying any goods from China..We just have them made for pennies on the thousand dollar. And i have seen TONS of high class asian women with white men. So you do not even know what the hell your saying with your own gender and race. Get a clue. Bottom line is what whitey wants, whitey gets! AWW!


no, I"m an asian woman and I'm not exotic. I'm a human being. not some thing pathetic sperm donors compete over.

it doesn't matter if a man is white, asian or otherwise to me, if you're ugly. I don't ever even look at ugly.


Asian women are feminine. Plain and simple.

Most asian women are average looking even though an average looking asian lady is still attractive. Yet, there's few women hotter than a pretty asian lady because they are so feminine. NO - I don't mean submissive.


And im guessing those high class asian women were all ugly and only after the men for money, since thats how it usually is
