MovieChat Forums > Jim Parsons Discussion > The Riddler for new Batman films?

The Riddler for new Batman films?

he says he wants to do it. I say that Warner might as well get him involved. Warner Bros. is already producing the Big Bang THeory show. They already pay tribute to various comics characters on the show.

Presumably this will fit the theme of the current Man of Steel/Batman/JLA movies planned.

So this won't be the campy version of Frank Gorshin, or the updated camp of Jim Carrey's version. This will have to be relatively serious.

Rest in Peace, Robin Williams, he would have been good as a serious Riddler.

So, let's see how it goes with Jim.

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


That would be interesting to see

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi


I think he would be a good Riddler, should have him do it.


Awww I hate you I was just about to post this lol........ But yes in a Christopher Nolan batman him as riddler would be quite epic.


No. Just no. In the relatively serious universe they are trying to make, Jim Parsons would be a horrible Riddler. Riddler needs to be a cocky, serious guy that is a threat and is extremely intelligent. If Jim Parsons played him, he would be an autistic, awkward, geeky, mess and I couldn't sit through a movie with him in it.


See I could see a awkward, geeky mess of a man being quite threatening. The thing about The Riddler is he's mentally ill he's not like Lex or The Joker in a way he doesn't quite know what he's doing so having him play up the more socially awkward side of his Sheldon performance while performing brutal and horrific crimes could be rather affective.

That being said with him playing someone like The Riddler I don't know if I could seperate him from Sheldon.

"You don't understand. .. I really didn't want to leave you any clues. I really planned never to go back to Arkham Asylum. But I left you a clue anyway. So I... I have to go back there. Because I might need help. I... I might actually be crazy."


Honestly that would be AMAZING.


personally for me i see the riddler to be more of a "nerdy" type of character to say at least... but also confident without remorse

and i think he does a great job showing that with the early season of sheldon...

i uno i just think it would be a match
but yeah he needs to show that serious evil part i guess
