MovieChat Forums > Britt Robertson Discussion > Under the Dome question *SPOILERS*

Under the Dome question *SPOILERS*

Anyone know if her character was supposed to be killed off all along or if she was let go/left the show of her own choice? I liked her character :(


Just what I was wondering..


I just saw the first teaser trailer for Tomorrowland and thought "Ah-HA! She had a film to make so they killed her off". But I don't know that's true.

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Her character was killed off much sooner in the book is what I've heard.


Yeah... I was like... bored, thinking that the first season of Under the Dome wasn't so unbearably bad, so maybe I should give a chance to season 2...

And right there, in the very first episode of season 2 my favourite character throughout the whole show got killed, just like that... What a "wonderful" decision. The end of Angie (Britt) was the end of UtD for me, good riddance.


I agree. Wtf ?
Britt WAS the show.
She must of had a film obligation.

Simply put, Britt Robertson,

IS Perfection.


It was because of Britt that I heard about the show, although the Stephen King connection would have been enough to start me watching. She was also the main reason I continued watching, even after she died IMDB had her listed for one more episode so I kept watching for S2. But now I'm done, I'm not watching S3, it's not a good enough show for that and there are better ones out there.

As for her leaving, you have to remember that this was originally a mini-series that was expanded to 13 episodes. Contracts would have been up after that. She had clearly found other work, as you say (several movies in fact), to follow on after that first season finished so she possibly couldn't renew her full contract when S2 was offered because of scheduling/available time etc, even if she wanted to. With King directing the first episode of S2 it was a good chance to kill her off, as he'd already done that in the book.

I say she's better off out and out early, rather than being dragged down with the show.
