MovieChat Forums > Diora Baird Discussion > Just curious about something.

Just curious about something.

She's a damn beautiful woman, but can she act?

I ask because I'm not very familiar with her body (pun not intended) of work.

Is she a truly talented actress just unfairly typed as "the hot chick" or not?


I think Diora is a good actor, try her in 30 Days of Night Dark Days or her episode of Law and Order SVU.


In my opinion she is capable of playing any role. She can do a 'Texas chainsaw massacre' to a 'Hot tamale'. Pretty versatile actress. I'm hoping to see more of her, if she get's some movie offers.


She's not very good but not terrible either, and yes she's BEAUTIFUL.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


A pretty face and enormous boobs can compensate for any degree of lack of thespian talent.


You're saying she has no acting ability at all? I find that difficult to believe having seen some of her flicks.
