His smile.

crookedy-edward cullenish smile.Enough said.

[oh and he's from TEXAS


his smile is amazing.
its perfect.


his smile is killer. this boy is aboslutley gorgeous.


I know everyone who can smile and looks good should be considered a good actor...I hate that Keanu Reeves and this guy are the "real quality" actors in the business along with a whole lot of other people.

Its a great day for America!
Why the hell not, We're not France that's a start.


Don't compare him to "Edward Cullen".

He's 100 times hotter then "Edward" could ever hope to be.

H2:Halloween 2
August 28, 2009


yourrr right, edward cullen is no comparison to lucas till. :) i think robert pattison is the ugliestt guy ever.


i dont think the OP was talking about rob pattinson. i agree that he is butt ugly. edward cullen is completely different. i think she was talking about the way he's described in the book.

anyway, lucas is freaking gorgeous!!

"Do I dazzle you?"


His smile is the reason he's hot

Because hell yeah this boy has some sexy smile!!


Yeah he has a great smile. Just like the Taylor Swift song says, he's "got a smile that can light up this whole town." And he is so much better looking in person and such a sweetheart. Real down to earth.

Sugar and corn, sugar and corn.
And thats corn with a C! - 100 Monkeys
