to help the homeless daughter and grandson. Why should you be getting all the coins? Lol Do you feel good flashing on the Red Carpet new Fashion Nova outfits and whatnot while Tasia and the grandson are sleeping in a car. If you’re okay with that, then you’re a cold blooded Trans…SMH
Pwinty ain't shit either standing by a man that can turn his back on his daughter and grandson in their dire time of need. I wouldn’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t take care of their children at all. Being a parent is a full time job for life. Children are not pets or toys to be picked up and put down whenever it suits. Even when children leave home they are still your sons and daughters. Believe me, a parent will never stop supporting their children. No matter how old they are they should still come to you for help if they need it. Just the way it should be. Pwinty is self centered and controlling himself and it suits him that Daniel only has time and attention for him. It ain't like Pwinty gives a rats butt about Tasia or her son so he for sure ain't losing no sleep behind it. Him/her is too worried about trying to keep a roof over their head so him/her can't afford to rock the boat.
Lol…Pwinty been full of himself ever since he left Burma and came to the U.S. only to land a job as a Trans prostitute. Pwinty was destitute and desperate. Daniel was desperate to dispel those gay/bi rumors. Pwinty was a bottom of the barrel choice. Pwinty only cares about Pwinty’s needs. Pwinty got beside himself and got violent with Daniel. It was when Keke had to come Cali and put those paws on him which Daniel probably did a “double-team”. Whatever happened, it seemed to have put Pwinty back in line because stayed with Daniel. Ain’t no way I would’ve stayed if you sent your daughter to beat my ass! Lol
Pwinty is being self-centered and selfish, thus is why she does not care about Tasia current situation. A person that's self centered is preoccupied with their own needs and wants. The way it is displayed to others is in a lack of attention to others feelings. Selfishness is a marked lack of concern for others, to the extent that someone may actively pursue their own goals and desires at the expense of others. In this case Pwinty is excelling at the expense of Tasia and her young son. Did you see the post on the gram where Pwinty was showing off all her ugg boats? Yeah, one can say that he was taking a jab Tasia and her current situation. Self-centered people tend to want to be the center of attention. If the focus happens to shift to something or someone else, they may try to find a way to bring it back to themselves. That is exactly what behavior Pwinty be displaying when walking them carpets at the awards shows. Look at me/smile pretty for the camera/oh, just one one picture.. you know that kind of stupid childish behavior.
In the Keke situation naw I don't believe they doubled-teamed her more like Daniel called the shots. He probably cheered Keke on every punch of the way. He enjoyed every moment of it blow by blow. Just think he had 2 little puppets under his control while he the puppet master orchestrated the whole event. Pwinty knew he could dv Daniel and he would not retaliate personally do to Daniel not wanting to place their career in jeopardy.
I wonder if when Pwinty came to the uS was her dream to become a "lady of the night"? Did he become one in order to make quick money or in the hopes to become a real life "pretty Woman"? Most sex workers enter the industry to escape other forms of labor, or they’re discriminated against and unable to get a “legal” job. This is the case for many migrant and trans women.
Lol…Pwinty is definitely self-centered cares and for no one other than himself! I’m not surprised Pwinty posted that it’s classless, tasteless, lacks decorum and couth! Well, what can one expect from a Trans prostitute?
Daniel is an instigator! There’s no way I would involve my child in a DV situation. Daniel is showing lack of maturity as well.
Pwinty sole purpose was to come here and make some money because life back in the third-world place was bad. Otherwise, Pwinty would’ve done something more productive with his life like get a college education or real job. Pwinty took the easy way out and it’s because he lacks motivation.
The idea that "sex work is easy money" is a harmful misconception; while it can potentially provide a high income for some individuals, the reality is that sex work often involves significant risks, emotional challenges, and complex dynamics, making it far from "easy" money. Pwinty by being an immigrants in the United States may be eligible for a variety of benefits one of which includes education. Immigrants may be eligible for scholarships, such as the Renaissance Foundation scholarship, which provides up to $4,000 per year for tuition, fees, housing, books, and supplies. The U.S. Department of Education also offers free online lessons for immigrants to learn English. He could have been on a path to having his own financial independence & whatnot. See, that just goes to show that Pwinty ain't too bright or as Daniel would say he is not an intellectual.
A father may lack maturity if he is emotionally immature, which can have a negative impact on his children. They may lack empathy and have difficulty understanding their children's feelings. They may be highly emotionally reactive, which can make children feel unsafe to express their emotions. This is occurring right now in real time between Daniel and Tasia. She is dealing with someone who is emotionally immature, who isn't aware of how they are behaving, and who will respond badly to being called out on it. She had to resort to utilizing the internet for help since her own father does not care to assist her in her dire time of need. Even if Daniel was unable to help her out financially at the very least he could provide emotional support.
Lol…Pwinty wasn’t even in his mid-twenties when he became Daniel’s permanent Trans prostitute! The immaturity remained and Daniel used it as an advantage in the relationship. Pwinty probably won’t settle down from the drunken club life until he hits 40! By that time, Daniel would be around 60! We know what happens at 60! Lol Pwinty may want someone his age or younger by then and more successful! Lol
Daniel providing someone with emotional support other than to self is ludicrous! Look how they were treated when at a younger age. Tasia, don’t hold your breath on that one! Lol
One of them is gonna trade the other one in for a younger model. Since Daniel has already been contemplating about it in the past my guess is its gonna be him. Daniel is incredibly shallow and only value what a woman looks like and what she can do for him (sex, arm candy, eye candy). His past actions implies that he doesn't have much consideration for Pwinty feelings (or indeed very much respect for women generally) since his actions strongly suggest that the only thing he knows how to appreciate or value about a woman is her body and how it can benefit him. Didn't Daniel make a comment about "wanting to drop Pwinty back where he found him"? Something along those lines. the only way I see Pwinty leaving is if he gets lucky and finds a richer sugar daddy. Maybe that is what he is hoping to find in those clubs.
I do not know what I was thinking when I said he could at least provide his daughter with emotional support. Lost track of the fact that Daniel is narcissist. A narcissist generally cannot provide emotional support because they lack empathy, meaning they struggle to understand or share the feelings of others, making it difficult for them to genuinely listen, validate, or comfort someone in need; their primary focus is often on their own needs and self-image.
A younger trade-in is definitely in the works. LSA pegged him right in the Daniel Sunjata baby daddy thread. Daniel only cares about Daniel’s needs. Those needs have are very shallow. It was said Daniel was having a conversation and told the person Daniel was getting ready to “drop Pwinty back at the club”. Evidently Pwinty wanted to go hangout and Daniel wasn’t interested in the activity. Something tells me Pwinty is always at the club without Daniel. The age gap is like 20 plus years. Most 50 year olds are no longer into clubbing. Lol
All that energy contributed to wanting a woman for the way she looks especially with sex is perplexing. I say this because LSA says Daniel has nothing tempting a woman would want. I’m referring to the nude pic of the penis people said resembles a baby carrot! Lol
Shallow thinking about women's bodies refers to judging a woman primarily or solely based on her physical appearance. Daniel focuses on superficial aspects like body shape, size, or features without considering her personality, intelligence, or other deeper qualities. Essentially Daniel is reducing a woman to her looks, which can be considered disrespectful and limiting.
Daniel treats a woman like an object to be admired solely for her physical attributes, rather than as a person with complex thoughts and feelings. He made negative comments about Pwinty body and had him get plastic surgery because he deviates from societal standards of beauty.
Daniel acts like he prize his damn self. He ain’t with that baby penis between his legs. Most small penis guys are overly aggressive and overly confident. Some of them are crazed and weird. The proper size of penis boosts self-confidence. Men love more than anything to hear from a woman " Oh god, it's big ‘, which is something I bet Daniel does not hear often.
Lol…LSA says Daniel is damn, girl! Lol They talk thrash about the baby carrot! Lol As a female, Daniel is living through the women Daniel dates. Daniel can’t live as a female so Daniel lived vicariously through Pwinty! It’s the reason for shallowness regarding female attributes. It’s what Daniel would want to look like as a female! I know it’s warped but it is what it is, right? Pwinty probably cries out that the strap-on is “really big”! Lol
Yes!!! They do talk down right bad about his baby penis. The comments on LSA in reference to his penis/nude photo is brutal & savagely. Some of the nicer comments is that his penis is a deal breaker. That is about as nice as it Well, Pwinty is not a woman either so how is Daniel living vicariously through him? now if you had said Ro or something then yeah I could have better understood. Yeah, Pwinty would have to refer to that strap-on as big because is for sure not packing big d*** energy...facts big facts.
Lol…Right, Pwinty isn’t a woman but has transformed into a woman. Pwinty surgical implants, BBL (smaller version), and other female attributes. Since Daniel wants the freedom to do this, Daniel gets to be a woman by living vicariously through Pwinty. You know Daniel is the one who paid for those surgeries! Lol
LSA has and will continue to drag Daniel Sunjata! LSA hates his ass! Lol Daniel can’t catch a break over there! Lol
Pwinty is a man! No, matter who many surgeries Daniel pays for Pwinty will forever be a man. No, amount of surgeries will change that. Put makeup on a pig and its still gonna be a pig..js. So, if Daniel wants to live vicariously then Daniel needs to find himself a real/biological woman; not one formed like build a bear..js. He has 2 biological daughters he could be living vicariously through (not in a sexual manner). Better yet Daniel could just live in his truth & to thy own self be true. Come out the closet and just be who you are. it's hollyweird so there are plenty of weirdos to go around.
Lol…It’s not going to happen! Lol Didn’t someone do some posts about Daniel on the ‘gram? Daniel was asked just that, “…live in his truth”. Daniel is a D-Lister and doesn’t want to lose the fan base. Can you just imagine all those stupid women on his instagram account thinking Daniel is this sexy, heterosexual being? Lol Nah, Daniel would get dropped quickly like some fries at McDonald’s ready to go into the fryer. Lol
Actors in Hollywood actors often face to conform to specific image expectations, potentially suppressing their authentic personalities and behaviors to fit into industry stereotypes, leading to a disconnect between their real selves and the persona they present publicly. Rejection may be scary, but not living your truth is scarier. In life, you have two choices: to live your truth or to suffer the consequences of not doing so. While this might seem a little straightforward, a majority of the people in the world do not realize what living your truth means or the implications that come from not doing so. Yeah, I get it: it’s just easier for Daniel to live up to the expectations that his female fans have put upon him. Basically, Daniel has to play the role if he wants those checks to continue rolling in. My question is the money worth it if you are not even happy living your best life.. just my thoughts.
I don’t believe that his women fan base are stupid at all. I think they are just misinformed. The uninformed person can gain knowledge. The misinformed is likely to be resistant to changing what s/he thinks s/he knows. Uninformed. Ignorance can be corrected. I only make this statement because I was once one of those females that was fooled. Now I know better and my whole opinion has changed.
“Hollyweird” actors are so sad. I’m so glad I was raised by people that didn’t have an interest in “Hollyweird”. I’m glad I decided to have a life outside the limelight. I wouldn’t trade any of it just to be amongst those demons. The actors give “Hollyweird” too much power over their lives. It’s all about choices. I would just leave. Then again, it may not be that easy! Some say actors have to sell their souls. A compromised person isn’t happy. The individual is just coasting through life until “Hollyweird’s” expiration date.
Girl, you had a crush on Daniel is that the reason you sought to learn more about him? I read on here you had started watching the show Power. How do you feel about it now because LSA says Daniel isn’t a male? Lol
Historically, Hollywood has exerted significant control over actors' lives, particularly during the "studio system" era, dictating not just their professional careers but also aspects of their personal lives including who they could date, how they dressed, and even their public image, often with the goal of maintaining a specific persona for marketability; this level of control has diminished slightly but still exists to some degree. I myself have never caught the acting bug. I never had any desire to be apart of Hollyweird. Speaking strictly for myself I value my privacy too much to live my life in the public eye. Nor, am I willing to sell my soul for success.
Naw, I would not use the word crush but I did say Daniel was fine. When Daniel was portraying the character of Mecca he I did think he was fine but that was before I found out what I know now. In real life Daniel does not look like character of Mecca nor does he have that swagger in real life. So, in retrospect all things that made Mecca fine on screen : the actor Daniel Sunjata is not. So, I liked the character not the actor/person. They are not 2 of the same. I don’t find Daniel attractive. I like man that are thick, bald, tall & with a big penis. Now does that sound or resemble Daniel in any kind of way? I think not.
I answered this question already my dude is a Powerbook fan &I watched the show with him. I liked the character of Mecca so I searched the net to see who the actor was and to see what other shows the actor had played in. It had nothing to do with no crushes or how the actor looked.
Lol..”Hollyweird” owns the actors. They want to be bought by “Hollyweird” otherwise why even get involved. Daniel was just playing a character and is nothing like Mecca! LSA says Daniel was wearing a muscle suit under those clothes! Lol
Like someone said on LSA, the pen would be a deal breaker! Lol It’s the reason Daniel and Pwinty have become obsessed with the toys. It’s makes you wonder who’s pitching and who’s catching! Lol
Hell, yeah his penis is a deal breaker!!! As, a grown a** woman what are they suppose to do with that..js. I'm sure they both are pitching and catching if you get my drift. Daniel is rumored to be bisexual :thus he would not mind a penis or toy in the rear. Since Pwinty is living his life as a female : he must like being poke and prodded with foreign objects.
Hollywood be catfishing the public about the actors/actress looks. Hollywood male actors often enhance their appearance through professional hairstyling, makeup application, flattering wardrobe choices, controlled lighting, camera angles, and sometimes even digital editing, all designed to accentuate their features and create a more aesthetically pleasing image on screen. Daniel looked nothing like he did almost 3 years ago when he played Mecca in PB2. The make-up dept. did a 360 on Daniel in order to create the look of Mecca. Look at him now & I would swear on a stack of Bibles that he was not same actor who played Mecca.
Lol…No one is checking for Daniel like this but Pwinty. Those HPV rumors posted on LSA should be enough to steer women away in the opposite direction. The penis pic looks like it’s already got genital warts (HPV telltale sign) around the shaft. Lol
Yelp!! For Pwinty sake I hope they are engaging in safe sex. When dealing with HPV, it's important to be aware that you can still contract the virus even if your partner doesn't show symptoms, so open communication and using barrier methods like condoms can help minimize the risk of transmission. Condoms are only partially protective since HPV is transmitted by skin to skin contact.
In most people, HPV is harmless and causes no symptoms and will not develop into warts, pre-cancer or cancer. In a few people, HPV can cause genital warts or abnormal cells. It's possible for HPV to remain dormant in your system for many years, sometimes decades without causing any symptoms or being detected by tests. There is no sure way to know when you were infected. Depending on how long ago he contacted it maybe it’s lying dormant in his system. If Daniel truly does have HPV hopefully he is being honest with partners about it. Let, it be their choice to decide to sleep with you or not.
Yes, spreading STDs is generally considered reckless behavior, as it involves knowingly or negligently engaging in sexual activity while infected with a sexually transmitted disease, potentially causing harm to another person without their knowledge or consent.
It's a crime to recklessly engage in high-risk conduct without informing your partner that you're infected with an STD. Hopefully, if the claims about the HPV is in fact factual Daniel & Pwinty are making partners aware of their condition. That’s why people need to be more cautious when picking their bed partners because some of these diseases will follow you around for life. Honesty, since Pwinty was & possibly still is a prostitute I would not take any chances on sleeping with him with or without protection. Sex workers are at a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than the general population. This is due to a number of factors, including unsafe sex practices, drug use.
Lol!!! Those two idiots are probably swapping STDs back and forth 365 days a year! There’s a pic of Pwinty, a while back, and behind him on the table is a prescription bottle. It’s the pic with Pwinty wearing a bathrobe while sitting at the foot of the bed. Daniel is taking the pic and Pwinty refers to Daniel as a photographer. Lol
The image of Pwinty wearing a bathrobe while sitting at the foot of the bed makes me wanna vomit. That is one image that I for sure don't wanna have floating around in my head...js. And people need to be more careful when taking pictures and posting them on the internet. They need to examine the photo first then post. Some of the background scenery be revealing to much info : like pill bottles, a messy house, ect. I am one of those people who would have been zooming in to see what the medication is for & who it belonged to.
Lol! You know it was a prescription to Valtrex (It can treat herpes virus infections, including shingles, cold sores, and genital herpes.). Lol I’m pretty sure Pwinty had the d@ck tucked nicely between his butt cheeks! Lol!
Tucking is a technique that people may use to position their genitals to hide the appearance of a bulge in their crotch area. This consists of tucking the penis shaft and scrotum between the legs and hiding the testes up into a space called the inguinal canal. Yes and you can bring your balls around each side and leave only balls showing and it looks like you have no penis. It looks like you have a huge camel toe! I bet Pwinty has mastered these techniques since he wears a lot of dresses, swimsuits, & other forms of tight fitting clothes.
Lol! You know Pwinty has had to master it. Being a Trans prostitute requires it, perhaps? I wonder do these MIA, LA, and Vegas Trans Prostitute go to a performing arts school to get some form of training. Pwinty seems to be spending a lot time with friends in his profession. Less time is spent on acting skills which we know Pwinty will never be a legitimate actor! Lol
@KiwiJim…Lol…That person would be YOU!!! I’ve learned when someone doesn’t give a damn, it shows. By taking the time to respond to the post acknowledges you indeed care. I applaud your tenacity to deny it, though. Lol ;-)
Lol…I was responding to your question: “…who cares”? I never said anything about obsession. Also, I’m not counting shit! Lol You do it since you’re obviously bothered by it. Lol Frankly, if I continue to post regardless of other people’s backlash, I definitely don’t give a damn. Lol
Apparently he cares a lot because he felt the need to chime in on a conversation that the 2 of us was having. Maybe KiwiJim may have felt left out and needed some attention. So, if attention is what he seeking; then give the man what he