a new movie...?

ok so im surfing through dvds at wal-mart and there's this movie called "hard gun" (in english) and i immediately recognize jaa on the cover. i loved his work and the gritty, kind of old-school style his bring to movies with his brand of action. it looks interesting, especially since it seems that jaa is the bad guy, but i didn't want to spend my cash just yet. so, i come here to see if the movie's good and what not and it's not in his bio. does anybody know what movie i'm talking about? anybody seen it? if it's good, i'm gonna go back and scoop it up. maybe it's got a different title or something. can someone help?


weird stuff indeed. i can't find anything more other than http://www.amazon.com/Hard-Gun-Tony-Jaa-BluRay/dp/B001EI5C64. i have no idea why it isn't listed under Jaa's filmography.

if you take a closer look at the listed dvd details on the link, it says "DVD Release Date: January 6, 2009", which makes no sense obviously because it isn't 2009 yet.

and here's the walmart site: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10263078. the release date makes a little more sense, though i have no idea how you came across it in walmart since it's listed as "not sold in stores". for all you know, the copy you saw could be the one and only accidentally released one. =/

Nothing is more reliable than a man whose loyalties can be bought with hard cash.
