MovieChat Forums > Tony Jaa Discussion > Tony Jaa VS Jet Li

Tony Jaa VS Jet Li

i'd love to see this happen. wonder who'd win


Jet Li would lose. He's undoubtedly very talented, but he relies too much on wiring and special effects sometimes. Tony Jaa is also a lot more brutal with his elbows and knees. I'm pretty sure that's how Muay Thai works. Still, it's not as balanced as Kung Fu so you never know.


id like to see jet li and tony jaa vs 1000 spartans


I don't think you can fit that much awesomeness on-screen.


Don't make me laugh man. Are you serious? jet puppet would die if he fought Tony Jaa.


thats *beep* stuped tony haa is just a stuntman no real skill in martial arts just acrobatic muay thai his muay thai is not even authentic its just some muay thai movies mixed with tae kwon do and acrobatics which = *beep* jet li is way better martial artsist and fighter
