MovieChat Forums > Tony Jaa Discussion > Scott Adkins, Cyril Rafaelli and Tony Ja...

Scott Adkins, Cyril Rafaelli and Tony Jaa!

If all three were ina film together it would be amazing, these three are each others counterparts from different parts of the world. Scott Adkins from UK, Cyril Rafaelli of France and Tony Jaa of Thailand. I can just imagine what the film would be like already, what do you guys think?
I think it will be like an overload of Ong Bak and District 13 put together!


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I think it could be great!
Add Jet Li to the equation and it would be legendary.


Nah dude, Jet Li is too wire fu for the likes of these guys! These 3 are on Jackie Chan's level!


jet li only does wire fu in his older movies a couple of the movies he has done in america have used wires but he is the real deal and is better then all of the others that have been listed


don't get me wrong Jet Li is good at what he does but his wire-fu stuff is just too OTT sometimes but he still used wire-fu in things like Fearless.
