just watched Ong Bak 3
with today being a chilled bank holiday monday I figured what better way to spend my day than to chill out on the sofa with a mate of mine and watch Ong Bak 2 and 3 together.
I saw Ong Bak 1 about three years ago and while it was a martial arts marvel, i remember finding all the replays of every-single-stunt unintentionally hilarious!
then I saw Warrior King and was blown away.
well anyway, when we finished watching ong bak 2 we were both pretty sure we'd witnessed one of the greatest martial arts films of all time. we put ong bak 3 on straight away to see what happens next!
I really really wish we hadn't.
this is one of the worst films i have ever seen, and yes, high expectations may have had a hand in that. but even now, after having time to mull it over in my head, I can assure you this will tarnish your memory of Ong Bak 2 forever!
what's worse is that a lot of you will have 2 years worth of high expectations. expectations that are about to be shat all over!
needless to say after the high of watching Ong Bak 2, this has seriously ruined our day!
So... after reading this you do decide to go watch this, don't say i didn't warn you.