MovieChat Forums > Ben McKenzie Discussion > Surprisingly well spoken guy, at least o...

Surprisingly well spoken guy, at least on this podcast.

I decided to give his interview/podcast a listen cause he surprised me by doing so well on South land when I thought OC was mostly a teen joke. But it was a great talk, not super interesting in regards to what they talked about but just well spoken and thoughtful conversation.

FYI, the play button didn't work so you gotta press the MP3, iTunes or RSS tabs.


Why were you surprised? Ben McKenzie graduated from University of Virginia with a double major in Economics and Foreign Affairs before he became an actor. If he wasn't an actor, he would be in law school or in his words "working for a non-governmental organization" or he said he would have joined the Peace Corps or tried to work for the United Nations. He is also very well read and does a lot for the community. He is an intelligent, well educated guy.


Exactly. Actors are a diverse bunch and the best of them are brighter than average. Some, like Ben, even have professional degrees in areas other than drama.

I hope he finds a way to combine acting with work for an NGO sometime in his life.
