MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Carpenter Discussion > Whats wrong with her chin?

Whats wrong with her chin?

Her chin sometimes slants to one side, like someone punched her out when she was a teenager.

What happened to it? What wrong with it?


I know right. It's shocking how disgusting she looks. She totally ruined dexter. It would of been a fantastic crime drama if they cast somebody people could look at without dry heaving. She honestly looks like she was beaten or thrown around and bounced of the walls as a baby. Seriously the most disgusting horrific looking face I've ever seen. It's a shane to as dexter looked very good the 1st few episodes. But I couldn't look at that disgrace any longer.


So what happened? Did you see her at the airport and she glared at you in total disgust when you couldn't get your tongue off the ground?

She's a beautiful woman. And you get the D-bag of the month award.


Another reason why kids shouldn't be allowed on the internet. You'll learn not to be such a judgemental loser when you grow up a bit :)


She has Bell's Palsey.


Where did you hear that? I think she's really pretty and skinny. I think that the way she speaks on Dexter is hysterical! Has anyone seen her in a commercial for Internet or something where she's dressed in all black leather and climbs on walls and jumps in and out of windows. My husband thinks it's not her but I'm pretty sure it is.


She's beautiful. Unlike yourself.


You're stupid and ugly on the inside. Probably on the outside too.


I think life has many problems (I'm not exactly pure gold either) but Jennifer Carpenter seems pretty cool.
