If you think only biologists can define what a "woman" is when you are one yourself...
...you might be a liberal.
share...you might be a liberal.
shareShe didn't want to answer in case "Trans" issues come before her later.
She avoided the question. By not answering, she gave her answer.
Yea the GOP tried to get a trick question on her but she was prepared. Trans people should all know that their rights will be heard and respected. And anyone has a right to be one if they wish
shareThere are no "trans rights". All people have the same rights unless you live in a dictatorship.
shareWhat I meant was before, trans people had no rights. Now everyone is equally protected
shareNo. Trans had the same rights as the rest of the population. Now they want exclusive rights. Meaning if they say its unfair to say a woman's menstrual cycle, instead they want people who menstruate. Same with pregnant woman, now it has to be pregnant people.
shareCNN didn't exactly explain it that way