not sure what a woman is...
for a smart person, she sure is dumb and she is not a biologist...
sharefor a smart person, she sure is dumb and she is not a biologist...
shareOP: What do you expect from someone with a name that sounds like a foot disease?
shareI loved her answer. Why do all republicans and their voters think they are all biologists?
shareso a woman is incapable of defining what a woman is? and yet she is going to be on the Supreme Court for 30 years?
RIP - America
Its a loaded question and her answer would have been taken out of context, so she answered the way she did. Pure brilliance
shareHer answer clearly illustrates she can be compromised by the woke mob and should not be on the Supreme Court. Of course it was a loaded question. It was to test whether or not this candidate could respond in the required clear and critical thinking of a Supreme Court justice and to bring into the light any potential political biases. She failed precisely because of the context of her answer.
sharenot really, a woman has a XX chromosome and a man has a XY. she feigned ignorance because she didn't want put labels on gender and be canceled by the LGBQTI+ community.
when babies are born, they are either male or female.
literally almost everything living thing is either male or female.
It’s a loaded question and pure brilliance? Good lord.
shareshe could have asked for clarification - or what context is being implied.
Her answer implied that she knew that the context was that of biology and there's nothing particularly hard about that - that's.... biology grade 9.
Here is the problem.... you have one justice leaving - one who thought that usa was having 300 million new covid cases per day. He's not a mathematician, you see? He's a moron.
This lady is not a biologist - but in fact, she's just another moron.
If you cannot answer the most basic high school level questions, you should not be a justice in the highest court of the country. You can't put people with Joe Biden's or GW Bush's IQ levels in every position of the government (judicial branch is a part of the gov.). You'll destroy the country.
It was a horrible answer to an easy question for which she should have been prepared. She came across as a coward terrified of the woke or worse, a dunce. It was even more impactful when Cruz asked her whether a man who identified as a woman would have standing in a class-action sex-discrimination lawsuit and she couldn’t answer that question either. It’s really remarkable that progressive women have gone from “believe every woman” to “I don’t know what a woman is” in basically 36 months
shareThe thing is, she actually gave the answer by saying she isn't a biologist. She's acknowledging that want makes a woman is based on biology.
shareYou don't have to be a biologist to know what a woman is. Any two-year-old with a brain knows what a woman is. She bullshitted to avoid being criticized by woke idiots. Either that or she is very stupid.
shareDoes she think it's important to have women as members of the Supreme Court if she cannot identify one? How was she able to do her job properly throughout her career if she couldn't identify women all that time, even being one herself?
Is she now going to be seen as a transphobe and cancelled by the left? Because she is pretty clearly stating that "woman" is intrinsically tied to biology which the baying Twatter mob have shouted down as a transphobic dogwhistle in the past. Isn't that basically J K Rowling's position?
I'm glad this fucking retard and her husband had a doctor w them the nights her daughters were born, to tell them what gender they were.
shareFor a person like yourself who can't define what a firearm is, you're really ignorant.
sharea woman has a XX chromosome and a man has a XY. a future supreme court justice didnt even know that. I guess she didnt take biology in HS. what a Buffon
and a bump stock is not a gun. would be like saying the trigger guard is a gun...
The questioner should have started off by asking her how many women were currently on the Supreme Court. When she answered, then she should have been asked, "How do you know that? What are you using to determine who is a woman, and who is a man?"
shareIt is absolutely a loaded question, it's supposed to be. Because the only non-idiotic answer is based on SCIENCE and with basic, established facts it utterly destroys the leftist argument from all these gender-confused mental patients and their enablers. So they do the only thing they can, play dumb. Which completely exposes how retarded their "logic" is. You have men who 'think' they're women but can't define what a woman is? How do you know you are one if you don't know what one is??? It's pure lunacy, as Matt Walsh illustrated on Dr. Phil.
shareIt’s an impossible question for a progressive because it forces her to navigate several contradictory positions. And, the progressives on this board fail to acknowledge the damage Judge Brown-Jackson has done by putting their ideological conundrum on display for any rational person to observe. In order the have a patriarchy allegedly constructed around the oppression of women, there would have to be an unambiguous definition of “woman.” But, Judge Brown-Jackson says no such a definition exists (thus obliterating a fundamental requirement for the patriarchy). The President nominated her because he believed it important to have a black woman’s perspective on the Supreme Court under the assumption it is meaningfully different from and inaccessible to men. But Judge Brown-Jackson accepts that a person with male reproductive organs and a Y chromosome can be a woman (thus destroying a fundamental tenet of the movement to ensure women’s diversity and inclusion)