Chelsea or Ellen?

Which talk show host do you like better?


CHELSEA by a long, long, long, long, long, long margin.


The one without the far left crazy b.


Somehow Ellen bothers me less, so I choose her.


But didn’t you hear... Ellen is MEAN 😱

Just out of interest joes, how does Handler annoy you specifically?


She keeps posting topless pictures of herself on social media. She's not posting them to showcase the female body and empower or anything, she actually thinks it's funny.

She also said she can't be racist because she dated a lot of black guys.

Then she revealed that she had 2 abortions when she was 16 and her reason was "I would have a 20 year old kid right now". Like, obviously that's how it works but that doesn't seem like a thought out reason for having one.

Also, when there were rumours that she had a sex tape, she claimed it didn't exist and got cocky about it. Then when it was released and it was clearly her on the tape, she said she recorded it as a joke and didn't care that it was released. Sure, Chelsea.


Ah ok, fair enough.

She’s a bit of a bitch but I have to say I like that about her. To me there seems little pretentiousness and staying up late to watch Chelsea Lately used to be a thing for me. The utter disdain she showed for some of her guests was wrong but oh so right to me. Refreshing in a way 🤷‍♂️


Ones a left wing pig, the other is a lesbian left wing pig! Fuck both of them.


I choose bactaria.


Ellen will take an important issue and talk about it seriously, while Chelsea will take the same issue and make a parody of it.
