shut your mouth

Whenever some political event happens she shouldn't comment about it on twitter.


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Yeah, god forbid people should voice their opinions. But on the bright side that'd mean we wouldn't get to see your moaning om the imdb boards.


She's certainly entitled to do it, it just makes her look incredibly stupid and endanger turning people away that otherwise may have supported her work.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


I hate this woman. She takes every opportunity to push her viewpoints on others, when nobody even asked her opinion. She's a Kool-Aid drinking kook who wants to push a socialist agenda everywhere she goes.

She's the most dangerous kind of liberal, because she's the kind that wants to let in every refugee and immigrant.

I tell you what, Olivia. You keep the next ten immigrants at your house and you and Jason "douchebag" Sudeikis can raise their kids. If you love them so much, spend some of your hard-earned money on those losers.


Just don't follow her---problem solved.

Conceive Deceive or Leave


Thanks Elaine, but have you noticed that RW fanatical conservatives seem to hate anyone with an opinion opposite of theirs?


She should spend some time in the middle east to appreciate what she has here....
