Should've Been Mary Jane Watson
1. She did most of her filmography as a redhead and she looks good as one. Much better than a blonde anyway (which I read is her original hair color but still).
2. She doesn't play a convincing conservative girl enough to be Gwen Stacy to me. Then again Bryce Dallas Howard didn't play a convincing one either.
3. With that deep husky feminine voice and those eyes she can definitely pull off the sexpot image. It just suits her well and I know she can act more than well enough to do it.
I know it's not what casting directors wanted obviously and I can't change what she contributed to the films I'm just saying. I know they didn't use the MJ character either but my point is if she stuck to being a redhead and toned up her skinny as heck figure a little she'd be a PERFECT Mary Jane Watson (if they actually used her character for the films). As Gwen Stacy she was horribly miscast.