MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Last Line of Defence

Last Line of Defence

For the Americans who understand this terminology

I see every post is Putin/Hitler

know this, we live in Communist times, Our government despise us with a passion and think you are fucking morons

Im going to say this once and once only for the Cunts

The Jews (The bad ones) but also the ones who did nothing (the innocents) knowing full well they were causing distress and crippling the Country they were granted sanctum

Dishonourably illegally and super sneakily Murdered in cold blood the Royal Family and righteous rulers of Russia. The Largest Power on the Planet. Not satisfied with that humongous disgraceful injustice they then moved on to the rest of Europe in an attempted Coup d'état which would see the whole wider race under there disgusting submissive slave spell

A Couple of countries Kicked back when they saw exactly what direction we were heading to. Sadly and shamefully i concede my own United Kingdom was manipulated into fighting apparent Facicist opponents who wanted to take over the world and create everyone in their image-Bollocks

They knew back then what some of us see know, that the people who have their fingers in steering ideologies and social engineering have zero thought for the betterment of the man, but to devalue, Cuckhold and diminish us to such a pathetic state where they don't even need to use force because 80% of the fucking plebs will do there business for them. They figured out long ago that rather spend all of that money on a physicall fight(Which they would undoubtly lose), just get a bunch of cowardly yes men nerds in the room with a cinematographer and a funky soundtrack and Thick Public will believe what we tell them.

Putin and the people with him have never forgotton the injustice that happened to their people and their King you might have the memory of a fucking Dandilion but to the people that matter things are never forgotton. Ask the Irish.

You fucking plebs calling him Hitler are so thick you don't realise you live under a Hitler,who hates your guts, wants you to eat worms while your wife gets fuxked by your back next door neighbour while you smile because your progressive and the future comes before yourself


I hear you - though I dunno if Putin was all that fond of the King.
Did you know that the emperor of Germany, the emperor of Russia and the king of UK were first cousins?


What in the actual fuck are you babbling about?

>know this, we live in Communist times, Our government despise us with a passion and think you are fucking morons

Who is "Communist" here? The USA? What?

>Dishonourably illegally and super sneakily Murdered in cold blood the Royal Family and righteous rulers of Russia. The Largest Power on the Planet. Not satisfied with that humongous disgraceful injustice they then moved on to the rest of Europe in an attempted Coup d'état which would see the whole wider race under there disgusting submissive slave spell

Oh, I see, so you're just an anti-semitic nazi who holds delusional conspiracy theories about Jews.

You do realise that Putin, amongst many contemporary Russians literally glorify the Soviet Union right?

>You fucking plebs calling him Hitler are so thick you don't realise you live under a Hitler,who hates your guts, wants you to eat worms while your wife gets fuxked by your back next door neighbour while you smile because your progressive and the future comes before yourself

What "Hitler" do we live under? Can you name this Hitler?


This is what happens when they closed psychwards and let all the crazies out. Those delusional unwell people running around Internet and post their crazy incoherent thoughts.

Honestly that dude reminded me someone of those crazies from criminal tv shows and movies. When they catch serial killer and then find his "journals" where there are hundreds of pages of incoherent delusional nonsense written.

While we all laugh and joke here mostly. And discuss politics sometimes. But that dude who wrote this page is clearly unwell in his rants.

He is completely serious with all that delusional nonsense.


Dude, open google and find good psychiatrist in your city. You need one. Also I'm not sure they can help you.
Don't remember the last time I read such incoherent nonsense. It's like what did you even tried to say? LOL.

Are you russian? Or one of those crazy delusional trumpists that lives in moms basement and worships Musk and has his poster on the wall beside his bed to lovingly stare at when they go to sleep.

putin is literally very cheap copy of hitler. Step by step he copies everything he did. and he is building some cheap version of new USSR and russia becomes communist state. F*cking literally. They dont tell you this on your trumpists conspiracy blogs so your silly ass doesn't know it.

Trump and Musk are not your secret friends, honey. They are rich entitled billionaires who only care for power and themselves.
