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So I pose a question: Take away the looks and the physique would he even be on anyone's radar.

For me, yes, because when he first guest starred I didn't care for his looks or about his phsyique. I think he plays Oliver very well. I can't speak of his role on "Passions", but I think he services Ollie well.

As for the "growing trend", I think it's been that case for years once Hollywood realized that very few people cared about how good someone's acting chops were as long as they could be sold as commodity, it's all about niche casting or just picking good looking people. There's been plenty of non-actors who have adapted well: Will Smith, Mark Wahlberg, Cher. Even Tom Welling was a relative newbie when cast on the show. Audiences haven't lowered the bar; studios have. But it could be argued that Marilyn Monroe was very limited and that Frank Sinatra was only cast in roles because of his singing career.


I think you both have valid statements..... knowing the field, any one who has a look of any kind is always a sure thing.... body does count but looks and different looks count first... plus personality.... that is a big plus..... Acting today is not important as you said.... however, it is the ones that are the lookers that loose status fast.... the ones who are unusual looking maintain their status..... acting abilities is a welcomed plus.... In short, if you are unusual looking ( and I maintain that your looks are pleasing to the eye but not ordinary) and can act your way out of a paper bag... then you are definatly in the running.... The person you speak of got into the industry only on his looks.... he had no previous experience.... so this type of looks is what sells, the same as sex... or you could bottle them both together and as long as it is sale able.... the bottle keeps floating. This does not mean there is an actor here.... just a body and that in time will cease to impress..... there are plenty of this kind out there just waiting to be seen and they will................ That then narrows the field down to who can actually act and who can't.....


No. I watched Passions all the way up to when his character first appeared. I didn't like him on there. His acting was just not that great. But then again, Passions is a daytime Soap, or was, and Passions was just cheesy. So when he first made an appearance on Smallville my immediate reaction was "HOLY *beep* THAT GUY PLAYED ON PASSIONS" I had to come on here to make sure I was right. And I was.

In all honesty, the guy plays Ollie so well. I am so proud of him. He showed me he can act. He makes Smallville, for me, a little bit more interesting. I love the guy now. He has shocked me through and through. I'm so sad that he is barely in season 8. =(

But then again everyone's different. Lol, so yeah.

Would you believe 2 dozen Delta Force commandos?
How about Chuck Norris with a BB gun?
