MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > UK parliament demands all social media d...

UK parliament demands all social media demonetize him.

Lmfao!!! This is how you know Brand is over target and the communist elites aren’t happy about it.


Maybe I'm missing something here, please tell me if I am, but so far

- he hasn't been charged,
- he's presumed innocent until guilty.

Make powerful enemies, expect powerful tactics against you.


It really is a coherent plan, isn't it? Working quite smoothly between politicians and media, even at here I think they have shills presuming his guilt.


He's presumed innocent until guilty in a court of law. Outside of that he can be presumed guilty by anyone else especially in the court of public opinion.


But it is not the public opinion, is it? It is the law makers, those people should have full respect for the law, but look at what they are doing?

They know full well what they are doing is wrong, so why are they doing it?

It looks very much like an orchestrated move between social media giants and politicians.


Precisely; he spoke up by exposing the establishment/big pharma and they retaliated with their usual cancel/deplatforming and smearing strategies.


Could not agree more.

It also shows free speech is really just an illusion. If you want free speech, if you want your voice reaching the masses, then you better play ball with the establishment.


The last I heard, the Conservatives held a majority in Parliament, so I don’t know where the ‘Communists’ come into it? 🤷‍♂️

Please note I’m not a fan of Brand.


The UK parliament also hasn't made any demands. What's really happened is that the Culture, Media & Sport Parliamentary Select Committee (or whatever it's called now) has sent a letter out making inquiries about how social media companies intended to handle the situation. I mean, sure, it'd be fair to say that the implication of the letter is 'we think you should demonetise Brand'... but it's only that standard thing they do where they attempt to get companies to behave themselves to save themselves from having to legislate for regulation.

I think the government is in the process of formulating its own version of the EU's new Digital Markets Act to rein in US social media companies' activities a bit.

But trying to explain the real world and how it functions to these people is a little like nailing jelly to a wall.


I think my point was, I don't see how one could label UK Parliament as 'the communist elite'.


Well, yes. Quite right. And I was adding more actual information about reality. Just in case someone stumbles along to this thread who is actually interested in such trifling matters. You never know your luck, although I realise it's unlikely in a thread about the 'communist elites' of the UK.


I do find it amusing that some people think that Brand wields the kind of power that would warrant such a response from these ‘Lefties’. Surely they’ve got bigger fish to fry?


Yeah. But you're making the mistake of thinking like someone who doesn't spend all his time online wolfing up nonsense from your own chosen flavour of social media bubble. The real world you live in is just a communist trick devised by King (Chairman) Charles III. Or something.


As an aside, I also find it amusing when people think the Govt. are tracking them (for example, The Vax was merely a way of getting nanotechnology inside us, so that we can be observed). Just how important do they think they are?




Honesty, if the Govt. want to spend an inordinate amount of money to track me, then they’ll be sorely disappointed.


His videos get hundreds of thousands to millions of views on youtube , so , yea....people were listening to what he had to say.


Oh no, a teeny tiny minority of people were watching his stuff. Do you know how many views Justin Beiber gets? C’mon imaginary ‘Left wing bogeyman’. He’s gotta be next, right?


and a fine point it was!

A lot of people dont let reality interfere with their thoughts though.


Never let facts get in the way of forming a narrative 🙄


You realize in the former Soviet Union, the KGB was considered “conservative”.

It’s all relative.


Ok 👍


It’s not political.


Damn that’s good.


lol, Rumble told the UK to kiss their ass.

I have seen several other commentators and journalists applauding Rumble for standing up against the "cancel culture mob".


congrats.... they just proved everyone was correct when they suspected this to be a hitjob from media and higher up.


The old guy is retired and I'm afraid he finally slipped a cock.


Well he is rapist and should not get any money from those platforms. No rapist should.


I don't know if there is a way to tell if a YT channel is monetized but Mike Tyson and R Kelly still have channels up and running.


If it's their source of income, you might as well punish them by death, if you're going to take their income away. Quit pussyfooting around it. Although Russell is not a rapist, nor would he ever need to be. It's women who want to use their vaginas as an ultimatum/currency to get things and when they're double crossed that's not rape. That's like calling a used car salesman a rapist.


When its one-two people accuse celebrity I give benefit of doubt. They could make it up. But when 4,5,6 who accuse - they are guilty.


So a gang of golddiggers makes their victim guilty? Gotcha. Strength in numbers. That's how roasties survive.


Emori started out at MC as someone who appeared to have personal interest in the Democrat party war in Ukraine.

As usual with Democrat lemming schills at MC, it couldn’t hide its Communist/Nazi values forever.

- anti free speech
- anti law order
- anti innocent til proven guilty
- not even a basic understanding of the foundation of the US legal system
- filled with hate and vitriol for the US and it’s people.

Thank you Emori for reminding us why we destroyed Nazis like you once and we need to keep a vigilant eye out for you Democrat clowns today.

Time for a new sock.


LOL. Quite a speech from trump-nazi.

Darling, I am against russian fascism and their cheap copy of Hitler president. If Democrats are helping Ukraine beat up russian nazies - I support Democrats. If some piece of trumpists became pro-russian nazis - I am against them.

I dont usually want to say Republicans because I understand that not all of them are traitors and nazi supporters. And not every trump voter is pro-russian traitor. But large portion of trumpist are russia sluts and traitors. So I will call them out on that.

Why do they humiliate themselves like that and literally kiss feet of nazi russians - I will never understand. Its so fucking humiliating. When russia always was American enemy number one. And then they submit themselves, stand on their knees and start kissing putins ass. When every russian hates Americans with passion and russia would nuke USA territory including all those trumpist if they could. In a second.

Somewhere out there Ivan sits and reads how trumpist became his little bitches and feels himself even more superior. They are embarrassing USA, its flag, its history and its status as powerful country.


Your side has been blowing Russia for half a century. Try to keep up.

Perhaps finish grade school and then come share your ignorance.




Isn't it interesting, how the words 'demonize' and 'demonetize' resemble each other quite a lot..



The Demons Demonized and Demonetized RB.
