I don't know exactly what the angle is yet but this feels like another Andrew Tate scenario where the 'Establishment' are trying to take him down because he's speaking the truth.
I don't believe they are trying to silence him because i never believed he was genuine about anything he said. He is not anti establishment he is 100 percent part of them. Even though he is admittedly charming and somewhat humorous i always saw through him ever since he did that show years ago and had a homeless man live with him for a week and Brand humiliated him and even slyly put to him that it was all his own fault. Horrible Man!
He has always been an extreme Lefty Marxist and now in the last year he is suddenly trying to get in with the Right/Normal people because most people are now on to the fact Gov and Media have played the public for mugs and are rightly pissed off.
I think maybe they are trying to make a martyr out of him like they are Tate so people think he must be legit if they are trying to silence him. Either that or it's an attempt to kill off the truther movement by sending him in and dishing out a few genuine truths and then have him be disgraced so it goes down with him like they did with the Hippy movement
Then he can go go back to telling us what we already know and lead us down his flowery garden path to neverland