MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > They’re taking him down…

They’re taking him down…

Like a bunch of lions ganging-up and ambushing a wounded caribou.

When will this retroactive, “he was a cad to me 30 years ago….and now I want my vengeance (and payday)” bs end?


When the cabal stops paying bills to the accusers


There should be a statute of limitations somewhere, surely.

Anyone deserves a second chance, the opportunity to change into a good human being. Even if you have done bad things in the past, should you be punished for them after you have changed into someone who would never do that kind of things again? I mean, isn't the point of a punishment to rehabilitate someone and act as a threat so people wouldn't do it?

Jailtime is a DETERRENT - don't do a crime, or you'll have to do time. But what if you would never do a crime anymore, even if you did a long time ago? Logically, a prison sentence wouldn't do its job anymore.

Of course murderers, violent criminals, drunk drives and such should not be running free, especially after being caught, but what about someone who would never harm anyone in any way? Couldn't there at least be some different kind of punishment, if the system really wants to take the 'karma issuance' out of the hands of Lords of Karma?

My point is, a good human being that happens to live in a hormone-raging teenage body that might even be inebriated (as teen bodies often do become that way) might do something bad without fully understanding what they're doing, and they would never do that thing as an adult anymore, because they now realize the implications and how wrong it is to do that thing.

Should they still be punished?

In any case, something like that (an alleged 'happening' 20 or 30 years ago) would be extremely hard to prove, so shouldn't the 'innocent until proven guilty by a reasonable doubt' be in effect?

I am convinced back then he treated women very 'casually' and 'confidently', but an actual R-word? That's somewhat difficult to believe.


Just to bring another point - is this a surprise to anyone?

The more his sub amount grew, the more he talked about how corporations and certain families got rich because of the pandemic, how he exposes Pfizer's lies, the more I thought 'oh no, they're gonna get him'.

I wondered why the Powers That Be hadn't gotten him, no attack, no assasination, no character smear - he was given free reign to just speaking about this stuff. It was almost shocking, how nothing happened to him although he exposed so many things (though please note he NEVER talks about the Rotschilds or the annual Bilderberg meetings as far as I can tell, or mentions by name the entities with REAL power and agenda)..

.. so now that this happened to him, REGARDLESS of what actually happened decades ago, I am not surprised at all.

The only thing I am surprised about, is how long it TOOK for them to take him down. You simply can't tell the truth in this world about important things that affect us all, if you have any signifigant amount of listeners... at least not in a way that might possibly harm the ongoing occult agenda to enslave this planet's people fully and utterly.
