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New Interview from Prison

Absolutely fascinating, riveting interview.

*As a sign of respect towards the legitimate journalism put forth here, please watch the entire video before commenting.


Too bad the feds tore the barricades and no trespassing signs down, this guy probably would have seen a fence and just stood there drinking and goofing off with his buddies until it was time to headback home.


Oh, you're not engaging in wrong think, are you?


Please, the guy broke in to the Capitol building. Actions have consequences. Yeah, everybody in prison would rather be goofing off with their buddies. What's your point?


He broke in? Are there videos of him breaking in or did he walk in after the first crew broke down the door and the cops opened the other doors. And his point in the video stands, he stole nothing, assaulted no one, and vandalized nothing, BLM members break into places and steal/burn sh*t down but don't get a night in jail.

Until the FBI is investigated for the reason to why they are not going after the main instigators and organizers, not a single person who was there should be in jail. Just like the whitmer case, it will turn out 85% of the agitators were on the feds payroll.


When a mob storms a building they're all culpable, whether they broke down the door or not. Dude, we can't have this in a society of law order. I suppose if a mob broke in your house you'd give a pass to assholes who entered later to paw through your belongings because they didn't actually break the door down? Nonsense.


You are full of shit with your "we cannot have this in a society of law and order". You didn't give a shit when they stormed the capital office building during the Kavanaugh confirmation or when they burned shit down and violently rioted after the 2016 inauguration. Or when they rushed the WH in 2020 breaking down barricades and injuring SS. Or when the womens march "stormed" the capital in 2018, or the BLM riots where they actually set federal buildings on fire and destroy entire neighborhoods. Nope, you come out with your law and order shtick when a door gets broken down and some goofballs and grandmas go on a site seeing tour.
And of course you aren't interested in the group that was taking down the no trespassing signs and fences 40 minutes before Trump supporters showed up.


You don't know what I did or did not give a shit about. Lol. I'm not a partisan like you and I generally gave Trump a sterling rating on foreign policy. And I don't like Biden and I detest Kamala Gandhi.

Why don't you get to your point? Are you trying to claim QAnon is a conspiracy to smear Trump? That's what I believe. But I still hold this whiteboy shaman and his accomplices culpable for invading and vandalizing my Capitol building.


Well then you believe those I listed who committed the same exact acts as the shaman at other events deserve the same punishment. I actually do not think they deserve as harsh a punishment, even the non violent BLM members who get roped or doped into trespassing. Read about mobs if you will, the IQ drops incredibly fast and people become susceptible to suggestion.
The capitol building is also the shamans, it's also just a building. No need to put it or any of the people who work there on a pedestal like they are more important than the people who entered it on Jan 6.


Preparation H much?


He will drop the soap for sure.


People call him the QAnon shaman, but I prefer Shitting Bull
