MovieChat Forums > Ashli Babbitt Discussion > "You can't use a firearm to defend prope...

"You can't use a firearm to defend property"

Oh wait...

She did not have a gun, a knife, a bat, a club, or a chain and yet it's OK to gun her down. Hmmm. Funny how the rules are different.


Yet she was climbing in through a broken window that was also barricaded.


So someone going out of their way to get to you is a lethal threat you would say?


Yes. What point are you trying to get across?


The hypocrisy.


Of What? If Kyle stayed home he would not have this issue.


Maybe you'll work it out. If the arsonists, looters and paedos stayed home, Kyle would have been home too. What's your point?


Ah victim blaming nice.
"If she stayed home wasn't drunk and wearing that miniskirt she wouldn't have been attacked"


Neither of those are victims. Nice try you lose


Neither of those what are victims? Kyle or the hypothetical rape victim you would blame using your logic?


Kyle and Ashli

I don't know wtf you are on about.


Kyle was found not guilty on all counts and was very much a victim, welcome to reality.


Obviously a clear death sentence suddenly...


What do terrorists deserve?


Ah yes, being inside the Capitol although you shouldn't is an "act of terrorism".
Meanwhile BLM burns down one block after the other, attacks people and literally terrorizes them and you cunts don't bat an eye.

Fucking Clown world.


Trespassing isn’t a reason to shoot someone, and before you say it yes if someone is in my house and I don’t know them I have a right to defend myself, it’s called the castle doctrine and it applies to my private property, the Capitol building isn’t a private citizens property.


Babbit wasn't shot for trespassing.

The small breakaway group of "protesters" that Babbit was with weren't just trespassing like the others - they were smashing through a barricade to get to Congressional members on the other side. That's when it was no longer "trespassing" and it became terrorism. What did they have in mind when they got through the barricade and past the armed cops? I don't think there was an espresso machine on the other side.

Babbit wasn't shot for trespassing, she was shot for breaking through a barrier to get to Congressional members.


one thing i never see mentioned ( other than by the Secret Service ) is that she was shot because she was approaching the VP's security detail "with a backpack"

similar backpacks have been used in the past to carry and disguise explosives ( the Boston Marathon being just one example )


Yet it turned out she had nothing. You can’t just decide that someone will be a threat in the future and just kill them.


Every watch youtube? There are a lot of videos of police being shot to death by motorists who seemed "unarmed". Unless you expect police to suddenly develop X-Ray vision, to suggest that police should automatically assume that suspects are no danger to them until they take a round to the chest is disgusting.


You clearly don’t understand how firearm laws work. You cannot just make the assumption someone will shoot you, you can only use deadly force when it was established that you life was in danger from deadly force. Yes the other person has the element of surprise. Educate yourself.


You can't win an argument with insults. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you actually understood my point and chose to ignore it because your position is so weak. But here it is again:

Police can't tell how dangerous someone is, but someone who is violently breaking through a barrier to get at U.S. government elected officials is very high on the probability list of being a danger, perhaps deadly.

Suppose the cop didn't shoot those breaking through the barrier and let them get into the chambers where they attacked a Congressperson.

The police couldn't wait until the mob got to the Congressmen and hurt or killed them before deciding to stop them.

I don't understand your hatred for police. Maybe you should be one before calling one a murderer.


What insults? I am just giving you objective facts hoping you’ll get your head out of the sand and listen to reason.

You don’t get to calculate the probability that they might be a danger in the future, they have to be a threat to society when they are shot. Ashli Babbit was just in a building, you don’t get to shoot someone for that. She never attacked a congressman, not to mention there is little to no evidence that anyone in the crowd wanted to hurt anyone, in fact Capitol police even gave the crowd a free tour of the capitol, kind of destroys your narrative.

And it’s your cult that hates the police, they spent months telling their mob BLM to go kill them. BLM even blocked the entrance to a hospital so that an ambulance carrying two wounded police officers couldn’t get in all while chanting “we hope you fucking die”


Babbit was just in a building, you don’t get to shoot someone for that.

Well, if she was "just in a building", she wouldn't have gotten shot. She was breaking down then going through a barrier to get to the Congressional members. She was the only one going through the hole they created and the only one shot. Does any of that seem coincidental? If you have any insight to what her plan was besides getting to Congressional members if she got through the barrier please let us know.

She never attacked a congressman..

Right, because she was shot before she could hurt/kill any of them.


But she was just in a building and she was shot. Can you show me the video of her specifically breaking down a barrier? Even if you can it wouldn’t make any difference because all she did was trespass and she was murdered for it. Again educate yourself on rules of engagement and gun laws.

You don’t get to shoot someone because you think they “could hurt/kill” someone.


Can you show me the video of her specifically breaking down a barrier?

You don’t get to shoot someone because you think they “could hurt/kill” someone.

You're being naive. Try breaking into any government building on any nation on the planet and see if you don't get shot.

Do you really think the Capitol police should have waited for the mob to get to the Congressmen? The police aren't there to pick up dead bodies, they're there to prevent them.

And you still didn't offer any kind of opinion as to what was Babbit's plan beyond the obvious one of getting to the Congressmen. What in your opinion was her plan after she got through the barrier?


Well you just showed a snuff video but even then I saw her climbing through a window, not breaking a barrier down, nice try numb nuts. And yes for the 40th time that is how gun laws work, you cannot just fire into the crowd you can only use your weapon if there is an immediate threat of death. What her plan was beyond climbing through the window is irrelevant, we will never know because the Capitol police just killed her.




I see you have no intelligent response, your concession is noted.


Statistically speaking, you are more likely to be killed by a motorist if you are in waste disposal operating a garbage truck, than if you are a law enforcement officer stopping a car.


Yet it turned out she had nothing. You can’t just decide that someone will be a threat in the future and just kill them.

Um, yes - that's how that works. She was warned, and the Secret Service agent couldn't possibly know what she had on (or in) her. What, was he supposed to wait until she got through and then attempt a search? And assume the crowd behind her would let him? When you have your gun trained at them, you tell them to get back, and they keep advancing, your job is to not take any chances. If it turns out later she had no weapons or explosives, tough shit - he couldn't know that, and he could not take that chance. She should have listened. She got herself killed.


That's not how it works, if you shoot someone you had better be right that they were a threat to your life or someone's else's life. If I am walking down the street and I think I see someone who is about to kill someone else and I pull my gun out and shoot them and it turns out I was wrong then I am going to jail. You don't know the first thing about how gun laws work. You don't get to just assume that in the future someone will be a threat so therefore you get to just shoot them. Educate yourself.

She trespassed into a building and because she voted for Trump you think she deserved to die, you are a pretty sick person.

So therefore I am correct in saying that next time BLM is torching cities and trying to kill cops I can just fire into the crowd, correct? Just admit had she been BLM you'd be crying a river about how the cops targeted her and you'd be painting her as some kind of a victim.


That's not how it works, if you shoot someone you had better be right that they were a threat to your life or someone's else's life. If I am walking down the street and I think I see someone who is about to kill someone else and I pull my gun out and shoot them and it turns out I was wrong then I am going to jail.

Oh, you mean like Zimmerman went to jail? Besides, when you're a security guard, Secret Service no less, tasked with protecting a building and the people within it, and that building is the CAPITOL, and Congress is IN SESSION, and someone BREAKS IN and tries to climb through a broken window, and WILL NOT STOP in spite of you pointing a gun at them and warning them in no uncertain terms to back off or they will get shot, then in shooting them you will have done everything right.

ou don't get to just assume that in the future someone will be a threat so therefore you get to just shoot them.

When they're in the process of breaking and entering, not only do you get to assume that, you HAVE to assume that. You'd be an idiot for assuming anything else.

She trespassed into a building and because she voted for Trump you think she deserved to die, you are a pretty sick person.

She deserved to die because she ignored the warnings of an officer who told her to stop BREAKING IN. You know full well what would have happened if they had succeeded in capturing, say, Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence. They weren't there to look at the paintings.

So therefore I am correct in saying that next time BLM is torching cities and trying to kill cops I can just fire into the crowd, correct?

Shooting into a crowd? Of course not. That's not what happened here, either. He aimed at the person in front, and he hit the person in front. And even then, EVERYONE in that crowd was breaking and entering, and constituted a threat. It's not like Babbit was breaking down that door while everyone else was minding their own business.


Uhhh Trayvon Martin was actually trying to kill Zimmerman, huge difference there, Trayvon was an actual threat to Zimmerman's life and I'm glad Zimmerman killed him. Trayvon was a threat to society, Ashli Babbit wasn't. False equivalence on your part. Trayvon was guilty of attempted murder, Ashli Babbit was guilty of trespassing. Very poor analogy from you. EDIT: Zimmerman was also tried and found "not guilty" by a jury of his peers (he never should have been tried in the first place as it was clearly a case of self defense, the only reason it went to trial is because your cult kept politicizing the incident and made it racial), the Capitol Policeman who murdered Ashli Babbit wasn't even arrested, another false equivalence on your part.

Again educate yourself on how gun laws work, you DO NOT have the right to assume someone will in the future be a threat, they have to actually be posing a direct threat to your life or someone else's life like Trayvon Martin was.

You didn't answer the question, if I shot a BLM thug who was throwing rocks at cops (which is attempted murder) I can kill them right? I can also shoot the BLM thugs who were blocking the entrance to a hospital so that an ambulance carrying two wounded police officers couldn't get in (they were attempting to kill the cops).

You need to revamp your approach because your entire debate strategy is based on logical fallacies and false equivalences.


Trayvon Martin was not trying to kill Zimmermann. Zimmermann confronted Martin, not the other way around. And he did so in spite of the 911 operator telling him not to. Zimmermann followed Martin, and when Martin tried to RUN AWAY, Zimmermann ran after, caught up with him and shot him in the ensuing kerfuffle. Martin tried, and failed, to defend himself. Martin was, himself, UNARMED.

And no, Babbitt, wasn't merely guilty of trespassing. She was guilty of BREAKING AND ENTERING. She was attempting to climb through a broken window when she got shot, for crying out lout. That's not "trespassing". And she was WARNED what would happen if she persisted. And seriosly, what do you suppose would have happened if the crowd had gotten their hands on, say, Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence? Honest answers only, please.

And I did answer your question. It's the last paragraph of my previous reply. But then your question was different: you asked if you could fire into the CROWD. Now you're asking if you can shoot the individual in question. If YOU are the one being attacked, then that's your call. If a person attacks a cop, but the cop is making no sign to kill or subdue that individual, then no: you don't butt in. It's his call. In the Babbitt case, it wasn't a random civilian who shot her, so your comparison is still invalid.


Zimmerman confronted him as was his job and Trayvon attacked him and tried to kill him. Trayvon deserved to die, he was attempting to murder Zimmerman, even if Zimmerman confronted him and was provoking him Trayvon should have called the cops (BTW that didn't happen). Deadly force can be used without a weapon BTW. If you are on top of me trying to choke me to death (that is deadly force) then yes I can pull my gun out and shoot you. If I see you breaking through a window to get into a building I CANNOT shoot you. Learn the difference, kid.

You are wrong again, all Ashli did was trespass, she was somewhere she wasn't supposed to be and because she voted for Trump your death cult seems to think she should have been shot.

As for Pence and Pelosi you are speculating, there is ZERO evidence Ashli intended to do any harm to either of them and again she was UNARMED. When you choose to shoot someone you had better be right in the sense that you have a justification to shoot someone. If you decide that someone is a threat without evidence and then it turns out they are unarmed then you are the one at fault.

My comparison is completely valid, private citizens have the right to defend themselves as do the cops and they have to abide by the same rules, if you choose to use your weapon you had better be right about it. The cop who shot her was not, Ashli was unarmed, didn't have a bomb or a gun. You can't predetermine that someone will be a threat to someone's life and if you do and you're wrong then you go to jail. Again educate yourself on gun laws because you are clearly ignorant.

And the cop did just fire into the crowd so my BLM comparison is legitimate.

Trayvon deserved to die, Ashli did not so can it with your false equivalences.

EDIT: You got another thing wrong in your post, if a BLM thug is attacking a cop and the cop isn't doing anything I can intervene, as long as I am on the right side then I am in the clear. Intervening comes with risks, you need to know exactly what the situation is which is why if I walk into a gas station and someone is holding someone against the wall with a shotgun and then I kill them, but it turns out the person with the shotgun was the gas station attendant who was holding a robber still until the police came then I am at fault and I'll go to jail. Same thing with Ashli, if you think she is a threat to "our democracy" and you choose to take action you had better be right about the situation and when it turns out she was unarmed and had no bomb or anything you are now guilty of murder. Again you totally ignorant on how gun laws work but that's pretty consistent with the other members of your death cult.


LOL breaking a window isn’t terrorism you snowflake. At the very worst she trespassed which is a misdemeanor. Usually I wouldn’t take such issue but the left went on and on for months saying that BLM thugs who were torching our cities had a right to due process and shouldn’t just be shot on the spot (which they weren’t), yet the Capitol police did that very thing to Ashli Babbit and as predicted the lefts attitude is a complete 180. You can only use deadly force to protect against deadly force, Ashli Babbit wasn’t using deadly force and she was unarmed.

I guess by your logic next time BLM starts rioting the police should be allowed to just fire into the crowd correct? I mean they are domestic terrorists.


LOL breaking a window isn’t terrorism you snowflake.

Oh, I see. A broken window. Like a kid throwing a baseball errantly. I see - we can't shoot a kid for breaking a window. We've all done that. But then I see the video and I realize that the material of the barrier is, well immaterial. If it was Lexan instead of glass, or Masonite, or lathe and plaster, would the material that makes up the barrier make a difference?

Except she didn't just "break a window". She broke through the barrier to get to elected member of the United States Congress. I know you Marxists love this type of "democracy", but it's not how we do thinks in the U.S.

I guess by your logic next time BLM starts rioting the police should be allowed to just fire into the crowd correct?

And why would you think that? My comments are based on logic, common sense, and morality. The BLM and Antifa rioters should have been shot on sight. I have said that here on MC and you can find those comments if you're so inclined. *Anybody* who riots to cause damage, or worse, those who riot to get to our elected officials should be shot on sight.

The difference between me and you is that I am *consistent* with my thoughts on riots and terrorism, you are biased. If it's your boys, it's fine. If it's the opposition, then shoot them all.

I asked you before on this site to answer this *very* simple yes or no question, and you have avoided it. I'll ask one more time for posterity:

If Antifa or BLM had stormed the Capitol after the 2016 election when Trump won, and an Antifa or BLM member was shot breaking through that barrier to get to Republican Congressmen, would you have called their deaths murder or an execution?

That's a yes or no question. Answer please.

For the record, I would have defended the Capitol police if an Antifa or BLM member was shot under the same circumstances.


We’ve all shot a kid for breaking a window??? Ummm I sure as hell haven’t nor has anyone I know. How do you know that she intended to do anyone harm? She was unarmed so it’s highly unlikely she was, again educate yourself on gun laws.

And I think you’re full of shit. If Antifa or BLM had tried to storm the White House and try to murder President Trump you’d either A) Ignore it or B) Celebrate them for trying to kill him. How do I know that? Because that’s exactly what your death cult did when BLM tried to storm the White House and murder President Trump.


We’ve all shot a kid for breaking a window??? Ummm I sure as hell haven’t nor has anyone I know.

Reread what I said. I said we've all broken a window, not shot a kid....

How do you know that she intended to do anyone harm?

Well, she broke through a barrier to get to Congressmen. Tell me, what do you think her plan was when she broker through a barrier? Was she mad at the barrier? Did she have some latent issues with locked doors?

And I think you’re full of shit. If Antifa or BLM had tried to storm the White House and try to murder President Trump you’d either A) Ignore it or B) Celebrate them for trying to kill him. How do I know that?

Well, you *don't* know that. Again, you're wrong. I voted for Trump, but even if I hated him, I would say shoot every son of a bitch who tries to overthrow a legitimately elected government.

But I'm sure you don't believe that, so here is a link of me blasting the BLM rioters two years ago.

Oh, OK. While we're at it let's ignore the stand down orders when BLM and Antifa are burning down neighborhoods, businesses, and destroying government and police cars. They should have shot every one of those rioting looting sons of bitches.

So you see, I am *consistent* when it comes to looting and rioting, you are not. Rioting is only bad when the rioters are people with whom you have political differences. If the rioters are on your side, no foul.

If Babbit is your martyr and you try to defend her actions, you impeach everything you say about anything.


I’ve never broken a window.

Breaking through a barrier isn’t a threat on anyone’s life, again you’re making leaps in logic and assumptions. You don’t know the first thing about firearms, you cannot use them if you “think” someone may be a threat. If I’m in a gas station and I see someone dressed like a thug who is in an argument with the attendant I don’t get to just take my gun out and shoot them. You have to wait until they are actually posing a legitimate threat.

I know it very well, you aren’t fooling anyone, had Babbit been BLM your stance would be completely different. You’re a blind DemoKKKrat cultist and a pretty terrible human being.


Breaking through a barrier isn’t a threat on anyone’s life, again you’re making leaps in logic and assumptions.

The logical conclusion anyone would draw is that when breaking through a barrier, you are going to do something that the erectors of the barrier wouldn't want. The barriers were there to protect Congress. Tell me, if that's an unreasonable stretch of logic, what is your best guess as to what Babbit had in mind if she managed to get through?

I know it very well, you aren’t fooling anyone, had Babbit been BLM your stance would be completely different.

I posted evidence from two full years ago when I said categorically that the police should have shot every Antifa and BLM rioter and looter. What don't you understand?

The irony is that the link I posted was a discussion where someone assumed I would somehow defend Babbit's actions *because* I was attacking the actions of Antifa and BLM. Maybe look at that link.

You don't understand your own hypocrisy. Rioting is fine for you when it's committed by someone you like, but not when it's someone you don't. I've been very unambiguous when I attacked BLM and Antifa's actions and attacked Babbit's actions. Rioting, looting, and attacking Congress is not how a Republic works.

And for the 8th time at least, you have ignored my question, so I'll post it again:

If Antifa or BLM had stormed the Capitol after the 2016 election when Trump won, and an Antifa or BLM member was shot breaking through that barrier to get to Republican Congressmen, would you have called their deaths murder or an execution?

Maybe someday it will occur to you why you *can't* answer that question.

Violence is WRONG no matter who perpetrates it.


You can’t just draw conclusion when a gun is involved, you have to actually observe a threat to someone’s life. You cannot speculate. You don’t know the first thing about gun laws.

I don’t believe you, I fully believe that if Ashli Babbit was BLM you and your cult would be torching cities and crying racism.

And yes if Ashli Babbit were BLM I would have the same attitude that I had when George Floyd was killed, he was murdered and there was no justification for it. There also wasn’t a justification for Diaper Joe, KKKamala, Pelosi and Schumer to tell their mob to go vandalized cities and kill people.


I don’t believe you, I fully believe that if Ashli Babbit was BLM you and your cult would be torching cities and crying racism.

I have provided evidence that I vociferously attacked the mobs that rioted and looted our cities two years ago - I posted the entire thread. Antifa and BLM are Marxist scum who want to destroy America as we know it.

And yes if Ashli Babbit were BLM I would have the same attitude that I had when George Floyd was killed, he was murdered and there was no justification for it.

You *almost* said it but you didn't. It's hard isn't it. Instead of tying this to George Floyd, say it without qualification:

"Yes, if Antifa and BLM attacked the Capitol and one of their members was shot breaking through a barrier to get to Congress members, I would be on this site calling it a murder".

Maybe if you said it that way we might at least believe some small part of you, but we know better.

But you'd still be wrong - there is NEVER justification for violence in a Constitutional Republic as long as the government stands. Anarchy has never worked and never will.

There also wasn’t a justification for Diaper Joe, KKKamala, Pelosi and Schumer to tell their mob to go vandalized cities and kill people.

Well, we agree on that point at least.


So then are you going to join me in calling for Diaper Joe to be impeached seeing how he incited those insurrections?

I have been very consistent in my position, I denounced Derek Chauvin for murdering George Floyd and I am denouncing the Capitol cop who murdered Ashli Babbit. I am also denouncing Diaper Joe for inciting the 2020 BLM riots.


So then are you going to join me in calling for Diaper Joe to be impeached seeing how he incited those insurrections?

Absolutely not.

The two impeachments on Trump were both bullshit and simply politically motivated (which is why they both failed), and impeaching Biden for "incitement" is just as ridiculous as those accusing Trump of inciting the Capitol riot.

The NY indictment on Trump is also bullshit and politically motivated - a Banana Republic move to attack one's opponents politically.

Now, if there is some actual evidence I haven't seen where Biden had an active hand in orchestrating or otherwise helping the rioters , then my position would absolutely change, but impeachment is serious business only to be used for serious charges. Anything less reduces the whole process to some machinations typical of a Banana Republic.

Impeachements are nearly impossible to pull off anyway. A bullshit impeachment won't get the Senate votes (which is why Trump rightly wasn't convicted), and a legitimate impeachment wouldn't get to Senate trial as the president will resign first.


It actually isn’t, Diaper Joe actually did incite violence and he did get people killed, and apparently he thinks it’s funny that people are dying because of his lies.


Fine, if you want to get Biden on incitement, then Trump is just as guilty. Can't have it both ways.

If you want every president from this point on to be impeached, then you're on the right track.


That is a false equivalence, The left twisted the facts to suit their narrative and their predetermined conclusion that Trump needed to be impeached.

Diaper Joe committed treason and he is responsible for over 20 murders, the son of a bitch deserves to be prosecuted.


OK El Jefe. Viva la revolución!


And again, you ignored the question - so here it is again:

If Antifa or BLM had stormed the Capitol after the 2016 election when Trump won, and an Antifa or BLM member was shot breaking through that barrier to get to Republican Congressmen, would you have called their deaths murder or an execution?

You can't answer the question honestly, because you can't reconcile the answer. Maybe you should stop "rooting" for your team and root for honesty instead.

We all know the answer even if you won't say it: if Antifa had stormed the Capitol after Trump's 2016 win and someone got shot trying to get to Republican Senators, you would have NOT defended Antifa nor should you or anyone have. The only ones who would defend Antifa and BLM are those who are trying to destroy the U.S and our enviable system of checks and balances.

Babbit may have been let in by the bumbling Capitol police, but she and that small group of wingnuts went over the line when their protesting became violent and they smashed through that barrier. They may have been invited inside the Capitol, but they were not invited to smash down barriers.


She was a veteran and that means she is trained to kill a person with her bare hands. The members of Congress were in serious danger of her killing them with just one karate chop to the neck! That black cop saved the whole country that day. He should be promoted and hailed as a national hero!


Oh please This is such utter nonsense it's not even funny. It tells me that you are exactly the sort of person Ronald Reagan was referring to when he said "the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

I was in the U.S. army infantry -- combat arms -- and you know how much training in hand to hand combat I got? None. The closest thing to it was one day of instruction in bayonet fighting in basic training. Even special forces operators, if they have any martial arts training, they get it on their own time and their own dime. Training time is limited, and the military wants to spend it on teaching you the things you'll actually do as part of your job, and even for the combat arms, that doesn't mean hand to hand. In modern warfare, that doesn't happen anywhere near often enough to warrant spending the time on it.

So no, just because Ashli Babbit was an air force veteran, does not mean she was trained to kill someone with her bare hands.


(I think Trevor was joking)


lol, I think the same


LOL someone actually showed me a picture of the “mob” on J6 as proof that they were trying to “take over the government” and aside from one person with a baseball bat the entire crowd was unarmed. Yeah the left seriously wants me to believe that they tried to overthrow the government with a baseball bat.


Play silly games.....🤷😆


Why are you people like this? She was literally caught breaking into a federal building during a riot.


It's just interesting to establish the lines.

So it's OK to let someone into a Federal building and shoot them dead. That black supremacist cop pointed a gun at her and wanted to murder her. He made sure to go right up to that barricade so he would have a high chance to murder her. He probably had FMJ rounds loaded in his Glock. Why didn't he have any less than lethal options to deploy?


He deserves a medal.


I can't believe you support this terrorist, active shooter.


He killed a terrorist


lol. Whooosh.


Oh. Is that your peanut sized brain leaving your skull? Got it.


If that's what your brain interprets it as...


Nothing else makes sense, coming from you.


It doesn't surprise me that you can't process it any other way.


Just pretend she was a BLM thug torching a city and I’m sure your position would take a radical 180.


Wrong. But I don't like when police shoot a black guy to death for running away.

Signed, million man.


First of all you have failed to establish that any of the cases your cult bitches about were racially motivated (especially considering you ignore the cases where a white person is shot), secondly they aren’t shot for running away, they are shot for threatening someone’s life or trying to steal the cops gun.


She wasn't "let into" the building, dingus. She was a part of a mob that broke into it.


Maybe watch the videos and do you research before you start slinging insults.

Also, ever wonder why the thousands of hours of CCTV footage haven't been released? Hmmmm


do you research

Ah. Here it is. YouTube videos are not research.


"Also, ever wonder why the thousands of hours of CCTV footage haven't been released? Hmmmm"

Do you people not realize your conspiracy theory bullshit is played out? You play that card every single fucking time you don't like someone. It's statistically possible for everything you disagree with to be "FAkE NeWs!" Only you people believe in this shit.


Hilarious to read this, now that the tapes are out. 🙄


Ah yes, the tapes that were selectively edited to make the mob not look so bad. I totally trust those. 🙄


As opposed to the tapes that were selectively edited to only show the people breaking windows to get in. All of the people who perpetrated vandalism should be charged with that and given the exact sentences all the people got who set fire -- repeatedly -- to the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse in Portland, Oregon while people were inside. Those J6 protesters who were dinged on trespassing charges should be given less than that.

If you're wondering what the DOJ gives people who set fire to public buildings with people inside, they get bailed out almost immediately.

As it is, the people are being held without bail, and some without charges, for the past two years. At least one person I heard of killed himself because of the hopelessness of it all.

Lest this be ignored, Donald J. Trump could have pardoned them all on his way out the door, right after giving Fauci a special award. But he wouldn't do anything because they were politically radioactive. He wanted to please YOU, willjbeau, instead of doing right by those people who supported him. He'll never please you. I hope those people never vote for him again...assuming they ever let them out.

And if Biden's DOJ can do it to them, a right-wing administration can do it to you. No one's safe if they can do this.


Yet the tapes are now out and it shows a very different picture than what the left lied to us about for 2 years. No wonder Pelosi was so careful in hiding that footage, it destroys her entire false narrative.


This! 👍🏻


Why are you like this? That's the better question.


Well we know why you are like this.


Because I have common sense, something the modern liberal is sorely lacking. Not to mention things like integrity, basic decency, morals.


If it helps you feel better, sure.


Kenosha isn't boarding up and calling in the National Guard because they are worried about conservatives rioting. Are they? Does that make you feel better? To know your ideology uses violence to intimidate people if they don't get their way?


They only riot when they don't get their way in an election


So you'd have supported gunning down mass mobs during the BLM riots when they were seizing multiple government buildings?


Once that mob starting to attack officers. All gloves were off. Ashli was now part of a battering ram trying to break into a federal building. Think if the mob as one lone entity if you need to.


Too bad "all gloves" weren't "off" throughout 2020 in NYC, LA, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. We could really have used the reduction in low-IQ individuals acting together as a "battering ram" against common sense...


She probably broke into the final defense barrier of Congress where things were at there worst. I would've done the same if I were in that position. Easy to blame when you don't know how the system works or how they're trained to defend the Capitol. Besides, self-defense ;). Gotta protect VIP's and property dawg.


Yep. Once you smash down the final barrier between the protesters and the government, the game changes.


The Founding Fathers knew a thing or two about that...


So what ever happened to people saying "why didn't they just comply" when commenting on police killing people? Complying is something that did not apply to Babbitt?


Well said Ranb.

I'm personally sad about Babbitt's death, as I am about any death that didn't need to happen, but you're quite right in highlighting the hypocrisy of those people who are quite quick to defend cops that shoot unarmed Black men, but suddenly turn against the cops in the case of a white person violently trying to enter an unauthorised building as part of a violent mob.

Like I say, I'm not happy about *any* of these deaths, but Babbit was as much a threat, in many cases a greater threat, as many of the Black men who've been killed by cops over the years for 'resisting arrest'.


Cops that kill unarmed black men often go to prison or face other consequences. Thats the difference.



That's not true.


Yeah, it is. Who was the last cop to shoot an unarmed black man without any consequences?


Babbit was as much a threat, in many cases a greater threat, as many of the Black men who've been killed by cops over the years for 'resisting arrest'.

Complete nonsense that no one even you believes yet you will continue to attempt to gaslight people into accepting that an unarmed woman trying to go through a door is comparable to say, Jacob Blake trying to arm himself with his knife after already resisting tasers that were deployed against him after raping a woman. You people are utterly disgusting, despicable imitations of humanity, the absolute dregs of society.


They reach these ridiculous conclusions because they have to. If they didn't, they'd be forced to acknowledge that conservatives are no longer treated equally by the current administration and liberal society as a whole. Essentially, they'd have to acknowledge that everything they believe in has been bullshit.


The Democratic Party hypocrisy will be even more transparent once Trump is arrested.


I can't remember her POV from the videos. Is it 100% she had line of sight at a gun pointed at her?


What does that have to do with her failure to comply? She could have complied at the beginning by not invading the Capitol. She f'ed around and found out. She is the kind of veteran that makes the rest of us look bad


You're not a veteran, you're a proven liar so that is very likely bullshit too.


I can show you a DD214. But you don't care. You prefer false allegations based upon your fantasies instead of reality.


Can you show me Trump preferring nazis like you earlier claimed until I disproved it? No? Didn't think so.


Where did I say Trump preferred nazis? I claimed he was pandering to them as can be shown by his reluctance to oppose them at all, until getting backlash for not doing so.

You have not disproved anything.


[–] Ranb (3408) 2 days ago

All colors and cultures? When Trump favors the nazis, how could he possibly unite those people who are opposed to nazis and fascism?

Trump can't unite those people in his own family.

You literally cannot stop lying and taking Ls, what's it like being such a disingenuous loser?


I did not deny using that word, I asked where I said it.

I did not remember the exact word I use in another thread. Get over it.


Again, what's it like being a disingenuous fucking loser? I'm done feeding you troll, get on the ignore list with the other spastics.


I think you will never stop feeding people you claim are trolls. Since I'm not stalking you, putting me on an ignore list is the act of a coward.


Failure to comply isn't grounds for deadly force unless the officers life or someone else's is in imminent danger. Otherwise you'd have to say that the George Floyd killing was completely justified, as he consistently failed to comply. You can't have it both ways.


So what ever happened to people saying "why didn't they just comply" when commenting on police killing people?

I am not making any claim about the police and their justifications for killing a person.

I'm talking about people on this forum and other forums who claim, "if they just complied with the police, they would still be alive".

You might recall that some people on this forum said "if Floyd complied, he would be alive". Some people are of the position that failure to comply is what gets them killed when they are in an altercation with the police.


There is obviously a difference when there is a physical fight happening and people just being in the general area. Nobody was giving any indication that hurting the officer was goal, unlike Floyed.


So "being in the general area" is how you define trespassing now?

Try that out if you're ever arrested for trespassing and see how you lawyer responds. He will probably smack you around until you shut up. Lawyers do not like stupid clients unless they are rich and will keep on paying for their services during the whole indictment, trial, conviction and appeal process.


Since you clearly aren't intelligent enough to understand what you just did, maybe this will help...

non sequitur:
non se·​qui·​tur ˌnän-ˈse-kwə-tər also -ˌtu̇r
Synonyms of non sequitur
: an inference (see INFERENCE sense 1) that does not follow from the premises (see PREMISE entry 1 sense 1)
specifically : a fallacy resulting from a simple conversion of a universal affirmative (see AFFIRMATIVE entry 1 sense 3) proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent (see CONSEQUENT entry 1 sense 1)
: a statement (such as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said


It has been my experience that people who only offer up an insult instead of an argument in response to a post, lack the intelligence to debate in a rational manner.

If this is how you bow out of a debate, then your behavior here just makes you irrelevant.


the action or process of deflecting or being deflected.


Considering the police let everyone in and led them around which now we have video evidence of, your entire argument is pretty dumb huh?

You're no veteran. You an enemy of the US.


We also have video evidence of people breaking in. Why are you ignoring it?

The police did not let everyone in. If they had, then those people would not have been climbing walls and breaking through windows and doors. Almost everyone else know this, why don't you?

You have evidence that I'm not a veteran? Let us see it then.


The fact that the police let anyone in and led them around changes the whole narrative.

I can tell you're not a veteran from your posts.


The police let some people in and fell back.

Veterans are not all alike; it is stupid to assume so. Stop being stupid.


Ah ha. Your lies don't work now we have the footage moron.


The footage of what? Even when some of those people were behaving in a civil manner other than trespassing, others were being violent and destructive. You can't say the incident was not a riot just because some of the people were not being violent.


It certainly wasn't as bad as when those lefty terrorists bombed it.


Which incident are you referring to?


You don't know how to Google?


Google does not tell me what you are thinking of.

This is the top search result for "lefty terrorists bombed it"

If you're trying to be irrelevant, this is how you do it. Keeping doing this; it is a good look for you. :)


Wow. Incredible. Thanks for demonstrating you're a fool that can't do a simple Google search to the entire world. I'll give you a hint, it happened in 1983.


Ah ha. Your lies don't work now we have the footage moron.

Let me guess: Tucker Carlson?


I'm not Tucker Carlson, no.

Are you...Whoopi Goldberg?


Why, however did you guess?

In any case, is your source Tucker Carlson or not?


My source? It's not a person. It's footage from CCTV cameras...


Considering the police let everyone in and led them around which now we have video evidence of

Is that maga talk for
"The police had to fall back and lose some ground to a horde of treasonous braindead trumpTwats , rather than shoot them" ?

You make it sound like they invited them in for a coffee


Is that retard talk for "I haven't bothered watching all the footage that was released"?


Actually yes

Do you have a link for this police meet 'n greet footage?


You don't know how to Google?


Hey, he admitted he's a retard. Give him a point for honesty at least.


Ha. I did chuckle at that too lol.


if was a simple quick google i'd do it.

googling for wild magat claims of things didnt happen takes too much time


Try Googling "Democats cry over footage released that they wanted kept secret to try and maintain their ridiculous narrative on the Capitol protest"


ok found something

so Tuckers got all the footage and put together a little remix of the not-so-bad bits?

I dont see how this changes anything.
The fact remains 1000s of DT supporters storm into a secure goverment building because they refuse to accept the result of the election - because man-baby trump was having a tantrum.


You'd be pissed too if you and millions of other people didn't have their vote count because of a rigged election.

But it's alright as it happened to the other team?


It's funny how you think you're pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when it's exactly the other side. No such thing as breaking in, huh?


Oh yeah. I'm guessing you haven't been watching the news recently lol.


The left only watches CNN, because facts frighten them.


I take it you prefer to watch news networks that have admitted to broadcasting information they knew to be false?


You mean like when CNN lost a civil lawsuit for spreading lies? Yeah, I don't watch CNN.


If you are referring to the Sandmann lawsuit (which was settled), then your misrepresentation is egregious enough to qualify as a bald-faced lie.

Even if the suit was won, it still wouldn't come close to the lies that Fox knowingly spread.


Thanks for exposing your obvious intentional bias. The lawsuit was settled in favor of the plantif, also known as losing. 🤣
The reason that Fox hasn't lost similar lawsuits is because your referring to editorial segments that are represented as opinions, not news, contrary to CNN, but keep trying buddy!
Incidentally, I don't watch fox news because I think they are just as slanted, but at least they are honest about their slant. They openly acknowledge they support the right. CNN claims impartiality, which is laughable. Only a gullible fool would consider CNN impartial.


I don't know what the hell you are talking about.


That doesn't surprise me lol


Oh please This is such utter nonsense it's not even funny. It tells me that you are exactly the sort of person Ronald Reagan was referring to when he said "the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."


Er, did you mean to reply to me?


Well, the shoe certainly fits, even if the political label does not.


Seems like it accurately describes democrats.

Remember, don't believe your lying eyes.


Ever considered taking that advice yourself?


I don't think you understand that phrase lol.
