Poe Dameron

He is amazing!




He certainly answers the question "What if Pacino *had* taken role of Han Solo?"!


He was awesome! Very strong acting overall in the film, Adam Driver was totally the MVP for me he was just spectacular, followed by Daisy Ridley. Oscar was badass and funny and cool,I just was disappointed he was supposedly dead for such a big portion of the film!

Anyways, can't wait for more Poe Dameron in Episode VIII. So glad it's only a 1,5 year wait apparently! Not 3 years like with the original trilogy (well, I wasn't alive then so obviously I didn't have to wait between the movies) or the prequels - although no one was really hotly anticipating the next one after Phantom Menace lol.

'Dead' is just Time Lord for 'man flu'.


He was awesome! Very strong acting overall in the film


But Oscar always hits it out of the park. Now he just has the attention of millions of Star Wars fans. Good for him.


Loved Poe. Hoping we see a lot more of him in the following movies.


Loved him ever since the trailer! Love him even more now! More screentime on Episode VIII please!


Surprised you thought Daisy Ridley was great. No mention of Boyega either?!?!?


I thought he was good in the movie.

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness.
