MovieChat Forums > Oscar Isaac Discussion > Why hide your last name?

Why hide your last name?

Never seen or heard of this guy before, but caught his interview tonight on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart (Leibowitz), who also happened to drop his ethnic surname upon entering showbiz.

So why would Oscar not go with Hernandez? Doesn't want to be typecast, I'm guessing?


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It could be that or there could have been another person in SAG could have had the same name and you can't have two actors in the union with the same name.


I read once that it was so he wouldn't be typecast. Why not?


If he kept Hernandez he would not be playing so many Arabs and Prince John!

Its that man again!!


can you think of more than a handful of actors of latin american descent who found success in hollywood using their real names/who had 'ethnic' names? of those actors, how many made a career of having to play 'the latino'? of the actors who had 'ethnic' names, how many also looked 'stereotypically' latino (in america, the perception of 'latino' seems to be light brown complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, despite the fact that there are latinos of every race/hair color/eye color)?

that's probably why. same reason that a lot of jewish actors used to (and some still do) change their names to sound less jewish or not identifiably jewish.


Great comment and absolutely true!



Yea, just like Jews change their name to get more work in Hollywood, he changed his name TO a Jewish one to get more work. Makes sense.

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


Don't Jews run Hollywood though?
