Leading man

It's time for Hollywood to start casting more leading men like Oscar Isaac. He reminds me of Harrison Ford in his quiet intensity. He's handsome but not in a loathesome male-model way (can't stand Ed Skrein or Sam Caflin's face. I'm sure they're nice people but their faces look so smug it's unbearable to watch for 90 minutes). Another reason he reminds me of Harrison Ford is the way he holds the screen; I can see him in an Indiana Jones or Han Solo-type role and I believe he'd be perfect for those kind of roles.

Say they reboot Indiana Jones (please don't); I think Oscar would be perfect for the role. Chris Pratt (who's very good) as well but that's another discussion on another message board.

I remember seeing him in Robin Hood and I couldn't stand him. Plus I wasn't convinced he looked.. English enough (unless that was a conscious decision.. I dunno) to play the role he played. However, in Robin Hood he played the role very well and was convincing in his portrayal of the character. Since then, he's appeared as a supporting actor in many films I like such as Drive and now I'm convinced he should be cast more as a leading actor in films.


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I completely agree!

But I'm not sure Oscar Isaac is that interested in big franchise roles, except in that they give him the money and fame to be offered more interesting ones.

I hope hope hope Hollywood manages to generate enough interesting, original films with him in the lead!

And meanwhile, if you wish to watch him in important roles, he's had a few leads and meaty supporting roles, did you see them? The ones that particularly got me:
- Inside Llewyn Davis (lead) WOW
- A Most Violent Year (lead, masterful acting, managed to hook me to a story I wasn't convinced I'd like)
- Ex-Machina (let's say co-lead? Very strong supporting role?) GREAT clever scifi movie.
- Balibo (supporting, but a strong role that the story needs to give the non-white perspective)
- Agora (one of the two strong supporting roles). Loved it, but then an atheistic peplum is totally up my alley.


I'll be sure to check out balibo and agora, Helene B. Not seen those yet. I know he won't be as interested in those roles but only because there's not a lot of good ones out there. I really didn't enjoy the recent franchise films such as the new Jurassic Park movie and most big commercial films right now but if the right director and story comes along I would love for him to play THE leading man. Hate those marvel movies too. Some are good.. Most are lazy ass cookie cutter filmmaking with so much CGI I want to vom.


He's BRILLIANT in 'In Secret'. One of my all time favourite movies. If you haven't seen yet I'd 100% recommend it!


I'll definitely check out 'In Secret'. Just read the IMDB synopsis and it's similar to a story I've been writing. Sounds really really cool. The actors in it are all great.. Tom Felton haha, hope he's good. Thanks for the recommendations!

Seriously hopes he leads a good blockbuster movie though. Something a la 'Clear and Present Danger' or like I pretty much said in the original post, any old Harrison Ford movie. Speaking of old Harrison Ford movies.. They don't make them like they used to do they? That Chris Pine 'Jack Ryan' movie looked pants. Movies nowadays are all really pants. They get the most beautiful people and the cinematography is all so clean and clinical. I just can't get into them. Them Marvel movies and DC movies are all so cookie-cutter and boring to me. Beautiful people, slap bang crash witty dialogue, no depth, more witty dialogue bang smack crash. That new movie 'Passengers' looks like something I will not get into at all. I love Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence to bits, but to see them two stuck alone on a spaceship just being awesome together just seems auto-fellating vapid cinema... Might be good, we'll see. 'Ghostbusters' was tripe. Love most of the female cast but no, that movies was just terrible and wrong on so many levels. I digress.. :/

There's still a gem here and there obviously. Looking forward to watching 'Arrival' and 'I, Daniel Blake'. Oh and 'Rogue One'!
