MovieChat Forums > Samantha Bee Discussion > Will Bee apologists take Satan's Challen...

Will Bee apologists take Satan's Challenge?

Since Loony Lefties seem to think calling Ivanka a "feckless cunt" is nothing compared to fake racism, I challenge them to prove it.

My challenge is that you walk through a popular public location. Look at seven women you don't know and call them a "feckless cunt". Be diverse: hot/fugly, thin/fat, colored/uncolored, pink/normal hair, butch/feminine.

Have someone video it. Have your lawyer/doctor report how it went. Spread my challenge to other forums.


I'm originally from Glasgow. You are describing an average Saturday night


Take the Ted Nugent challenge. Publicly imply a death threat against an elected official.

See if YOU get invited to the White House.

You're probably WAY too afraid to defend Trumps love for Nugent.
