Since ABC fired Roseanne for her joke, Bee should be fired for her WAY more offensive and vulgar remarks to Ivanka. And this is not the first time she's been offensive and vulgar. She previously ridiculed a cancer patient for his short haircut.


Fair is Fair. FIRE BEE!



There we go -- Politically-motivated declaration that you want a "liberal" head to roll in retaliation for Roseanne being fired.

Nevermind that ABC and TBS are separate companies. Corporate autonomy is irrelevant, apparently. Time to enforce a universal standard, right?

Go ahead and claim double standards, ignoring "liberals" who have been punished for their behavior in the past, like Kathy Griffin. Or Colin Kaepernick for simply kneeling.

I don't support Bee and I don't like her show, which I saw once, but it is funny to see the NEED for Political Retaliation.

Very telling.


It's not in retaliation, Froggy. I just want to see the same standards applied to both sides. Lefties get away with this all the time. It's time for one to pay.




Yes, Griffin was one Lib who was punished. And nobody can prove that Kap is being punished. Besides, the exception proves the rule.

I never said racism was casual. It's not. But neither is calling someone the c word.




So what if someone called your Mother a C? Do you think that would rise to the same level?




I disagree, and stop being so arrogant, self-righteous, condescending and rude.



Movieman, it’s ok to be wrong once and a while. Some humility is a good thing. No ones saying what Bee said was cool, it wasn’t. It’s just not as bad as racism. Sorry. It’s just the way it is.


To YOU. It's not as YOU! There, fixed that statement for you.

Who the hell made you the judge on what is worse between a black person being called an ape and a woman being called a cunt?

They're both absolutely terrible, but it is completely subjective to judge which one is "worse". Most definitely not a fact, as you claim it to be.


Are you a woman?


Nope, I'm a dude.


If you are unable to absorb the full effect of the word than how can you claim to know it’s value compared to racism?


So racism is worse than sexism? By how much? How did you determine this? Why should we listen to you? Why can't we just admit that they are both bad?


I didn't claim anything. You did.


Corporations are chartered by government. What is corporate autonomy? That is not a term you would ever hear in any business school. It's something you are making up. And it's not even true that they are seperate companies. Hulu did not stop streaming Seinfeld after KKKramer said the N word repeatedly. Hulu stopped carrying Rosanne. I pointed out in the other thread that you are lying about them being seperate companies and I will continue to do so.


The left should be more consistent you moron. If they are going to get their panties in wad over Rosanne they should do the same for Bee. Either they should want them both to be fired or neither. I personally don't want either of them to be fired.


If you don't think Roseanne should have been fired, then grow a pair and stand up for Bee.


I don't think either should have been fired. But since Roseanne was fired, let's have equal justice and fire Bee. This is an example of the media double standard where Libs can get away with almost anything, but others, not so much.

And besides, I hate Bee. She's a crass, vulgar asshole.



If you stood for principles rather than politics, you'd have a leg to stand on.


I stand for equal justice for all, soup.



So "an eye for an eye" is a principle. Okay, Hammurabi.


It's in the Bible, soup.





Or let me guess, you think history began with the Bible.


No need to get snarky, soup.

No, I know it did not, but there are some good teachings in it. BTW, I'm an Agnostic, so don't go to your standard "Bible Thumper" insult next, cause it doesn't apply.



I can't remember ever calling someone a bible thumper. Maybe you're confused about who I am.


Glad to hear it. After you made the remark about my thinking that history started with the bible,
I figured that might be your next remark.






THAT'S the actual logic of this that most of these stunted man children are unable to get. you can't act outraged and (inaccurately) cry First Amendment violations over a racist rant one day and then cry for someone else to be fired because she got upset over an entitled and clueless debutante posting photos of how fortunate she is while her father at best shows indifference to other people suffering the polar opposite. Look, I don't like Samantha Bee, do not watch her show and frankly feel she should be rebuked for being that unprofessional, but:

1) You have to play both sides equally in your feelings. Not in how different companies react. They are different (as you said). If you feel Roseanne should not have been fired, you cannot call for Samantha Bee to be fired.
2) If you feel Ivanka is being unfairly bullied, remember that Samantha Bee. Ivankas father and brother have yet to do that and have been MUCH more deplorable in their behavior.
3) Recognize that both ladies were in bad taste with their actions here.
EDIT: Forgot this one....
4) There is a world of difference between private citizens and a corporation (Disney/ABC) wanting a person fired and the US President calling for the person to be fired. Donald keeps forgetting (dementia) that the government should not be pressuring businesses on hiring and firing.


Ted Nugent: β€œIf Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

Donald Trump tweeted:
Ted Nugent was obviously using a figure of speech, unfortunate as it was. It just shows the anger people have towards @BarackObama.
12:02 PM - Apr 19, 2012

Excuses, excuses... Nugent got invited to the White House by Trump. Nugent also once described Hillary Clinton as a cunt, a bitch, and a whore, not to mention many other vile things he's said.


Nugent is an idiot.




Bullshit! Show me proof of that, Sammy!




Show me your source, Sammy.

BTW, it doesn't really matter. Bad behavior by Nugent does not justify bad behavior by Bee. And if Nugent did that and was employed by a network you better believe they would have fired him.




Don't hold your breath MovieManCin, showing evidence to back up his claims isn't something Sammy is in to.


PS And why do you believe Courtney Love? Because Nugent is a Conservative?




Not only is Nugent an idiot he's also batshit crazy.


Aren't most rock stars that way?



I don't watch her show. I've never seen it so I don't know what the format is, but with a show called full frontal, I'd expect it to be controversial. This isn't me standing up for her, as I don't like her at all, but I don't think that one can have the same expectations with different employers. In this case since it was said on air TBS is taking some responsibility as it's not aired live. This is totally different than if she had tweeted the same comment. If they lose enough ad revenue they may cancel the show, but for some networks scandal encourages views.

And just for discussion, I don't think that insulting a person for their actions is the same as insulting someone based on the colour of their skin or their religion. Completely different things.


Even in criminal justice, different judges, different juries, and different states will all vary in sentencing.

Justice consistency is government and could feasibly be accomplished, too.

I was waiting for the arguments toward enforced universal morals against corporate autonomy, though. Fun stuff ;)


Tell me why a homophobic baker should not be required to bake a wedding cake for lesbians. This should be fun :)


If he's a private businessman he can do whatever the fuck he wants to.


I completely disagree.

Bee insulted Ivanka's gender. Insulting someone because of their gender is just as heinous and insulting someone for their race. Both are equally bad. If we're going to fire one, we should fire the other also. I'm sick of the double standards where the media lets Lefties get away with almost anything!

I don't watch either show, but I have seen clips of Bee doing crass and vulgar things before, and getting away with it because she's a Lefty.



I think that outside the US the word C--t is less gender specific. Plus she is a female.

Roseanne is a different situation. TBS could have edited that part out, they didn't. If they fire Bee, it could be a lawsuit since you guys like to sue over everything. Roseanne was always a family show, Full Frontal is not. From what I can tell Bee has always been crass and vulgar and probably got her show because of it. Roseanne was unrefined, and a little less pc, but still geared towards the family.

I think that the US is so obsessed on who is left or right that you forget that you are all Americans. Plus your definitions of left and right are different than mine. Our most right party in Canada is still to the left of your lefts when it comes to many issues. Someone could be most fiscally conservative but liberal when it comes to human rights. Not everything is left or right, black or white.


Roseanne could sue also, and I think she should. And what do you mean by "guys like me"?

As to us being "all Americans", that doesn't mean anything now. The Left hates the Right's guts. And I despise them for it. They've been viciously attacking America and Conservatives for at least 50 years now using all kinds of violence and vulgarity. It's only recently that we on the Right began to fight back, and fight fire with fire. We will not back down from their vicious attacks.

BTW, I love Canada!



I didn't say guys like you, I was referring to the collective American you. You have a very litigious country. I just think of how much money you could save on health care if doctors didn't have to carry such high liability insurance. But I digress, I don't know what is in either of these women's contracts. If Roseanne has a case, then she should sue. I am not on any side here, I just don't think that everything is as black and white as it can appear. It's fine to question why things are happening the way they are, I just see so much anger and it really makes me sad.

To me your comments on the left attacking America doesn't make much sense as these people are American too. What to you is a conservative America?

Thank you for loving my country but we have our own issues as well. Where I live, we currently have the first left wing party in power for over 40 years and people are really upset, and refuse to see any of the good they are doing. Everyone is just so angry and I partially blame the internet. I honestly would love to see governments that aren't made up of a party. All independents and everyone gets a vote. But since that is never going to happen I will continue to try to see things from as many sides as I can and just try to understand the world. After 40 some years I still feel clueless.


You did say "you guys". I misread that. Sorry.

And yes, we could save a lot of money if we didn't have to have such high liability insurance. That's why we need Torte Reform. We also need to let people buy healthcare insurance across state lines. That will increase competition, and bring down prices.

A Conservative America is where we have limited government, free markets, fiscal responsibility and true freedom, and the Government leave us alone. We haven't had those in quite a while, but with the election of Trump we have started to move back in that direction. And the Left has been viciously attacking those ideas and our freedoms for at least 50 years, ever since the 60s.

One of the reasons I love your country is that my late father served in WW II in the First Special Service Force, which was a joint US-Canadian unit.



She should be fired, but not for using the c-word. She should be fired because she couldn't find funny if it bit her on the a$$.


LOL, Jack! You got that right!



Using a profanity isn't nearly as degrading as a racist insult like the one Roseanne used.

Why are Republicans having such a hard time grasping that? Willful ignorance?


They're both bad, and if you're going to punish one, you should punish the other.

BTW, I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative.

