MovieChat Forums > Samantha Bee Discussion > Trump's double standard

Trump's double standard

As is usual with politicians, there is one standard for his opposition, while he's happy to make excuses for people he likes.

Samantha Bee: Horrible! Something needs to be done! Double standard! (Double standard being completely false, as he is disregarding things like Kathy Griffin, Colin Kaepernick, and the fact that TBS is a different company from ABC/Disney, the one he was actually recently complaining about)

However.... Six years ago....

Ted Nugent: “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

Donald Trump tweeted:
Ted Nugent was obviously using a figure of speech, unfortunate as it was. It just shows the anger people have towards @BarackObama.
12:02 PM - Apr 19, 2012

Excuses, excuses... And did Trump actually just "blame the victim," too?

Nugent got invited to the White House by Trump. Nugent also once described Hillary Clinton as a cunt, a bitch, and a whore... in the same commentary, while she was First Lady... not to mention many other vile things he's said.

Trump of course actually likes that kind of language, and engages in his own nastiness without apologizing.

Trump sets a standard, but he doesn't like it when his opposition stoops to his level.


Everyone knows Nugent is a redneck, so he'll never have a TV show.

You forgot to mention all the racist rappers Obummer invited to the White House.


Obama isn't President anymore, you're a year and a half late.

Anyway, racism is pretty small beans compared to implied and even "joking" death threats against a sitting U.S. President, which causes a Secret Service investigation....

And Trump making excuses for him and later inviting this same man to the White House.

But I guess all that matters is whether or not someone has a TV show. Obviously a reality TV star like Donald Trump would only care about commenting on other TV stars.


Ah but I see you've been too busy defending Roseanne's hateful comments to worry about Trump's double standards.

Then again, it's not like there's anything you can say to dance around this issue. The most you've said is that Nugent isn't TV star, which is meaningless because we're talking about Trump's standards and his excuse-making for hatred... And then you deflect to Obama for some reason, with random "racist rappers" that you don't even bother to name.

Pretty funny stuff, you obviously have no actual good excuses ready for this. I'll give you as much time as you need to think something up.


Those rappers were on Ambien.


Good points. It's been decades now, and maybe more in less obvious
ways that Republicans/Conservatives have developed this disdain and
outright contempt for facts. If the country is going to survive we need
to come together as a people and excise this toxic backward thinking
from our politics, where it never had any place anywhere except in
pandering to he ignorant and hateful - the mainstay of the Republican

I truly wonder how it was that Trump came to be able to exploit this.
Did he get this "technology" from the Russians, or did he develop it
himself (unlikely, he is too lazy and uncreative) or is there some faction
of the right-wing cabal in this country, or the world that came to him
and offered to make him President and pull off this entire phony


I truly wonder how it was that Trump came to be able to exploit this.

He took the state of divisive attack-politics and elevated it to the next level (technically, sunk it down to the next level).

This attracted all the tribalists, BIG TIME.

Then he also got the attention of people who are tired of politicians and were hoping an "outsider" would be better for the country.


In short, he lied to people who wanted to hear lies more than they want to deal with the truth. Just yesterday he held a rally where again he lied bigtime about "opioid", saying deaths are way, way down and they are doing a great job, when in fact opioid deaths are up again.

The worst thing I've seen from the man who would be dictator is his use of pardons as a way to manipulate the whole country's legal system. This guy is a toxic disaster, and it would decades of hard work by what is now an incompetent government to plug the holes in the Constitution ripped open by this Orange baby-Hitler. Sounds almost cute doesn't it?

And again in the last days he is ordering NFL how to handle protestors, and demanding that media networks fire certain people ... this is a Presidency gone berserk.


Just sour grapes because he whooped the dog shit out of Clinton and you can't stand it.

Trump President.

Not Clinton.


In a real democracy, he lost by over 3 million votes.

But the sparsely populated red states have their votes inflated by up to 3x as much as a single vote in a city.

That's the only way Republicans can win the presidency, by relying on an outdated archaic voting system that was designed for a country of 200 years ago that had next to no communication capabilities.


Then you need to get on that like you swore up & down you were going to when Bush 2 walked Gore to the rocks.

"This will never happen again."
"I swear that this is the last time."
"Gore is really President."

T doesn't have to go to CA., NY., IL., along the upper Eastern seaboard. Just has to make a trip or 2 up to the Maine to get that 1 vote.

He mopped the fuckin' floor with her fuckin' ass...8 November 2016.
