Why is cunt censored now? Yeesh, language police these days (though MC is more lenient which is nice).
I dunno... I don't think the two equate when you compare Roseanne's tweet vs Sam Bee's episode remark. One is racial in tone while the other was more derogatory in nature.
Either way, don't you think comedians are somewhat in a way just like high school bullies but grown up with a title to give them the go ahead to bully others with insults? I mean if you were in high school it would be similar in a way when attacking someone's looks/figure instead of their policies/actions.
C*nt is a deeply sexist word. It is as bad if not worse than saying someone looks like a monkey. While saying someone looks like a monkey is obviously racist, it is also an observation of a physical appearance and people can say it without actually meaning any harm. Calling someone a c*nt is intentionally reducing them to their sex and implying that their sex is a bad thing. Sure, you can say being offensive is part and parcel of being a comedian but you can't have double standards.
Idk about that. It's just an uglier form of "bitch" to my mind. It's ugly, it's vulgar and unnecessary, but if a white gal feels strongly enough to call another white gal this epithet, oh well. It's just a word. She knows what she's getting into.
In all seriousness Michelle Obama did accidentally reveal that she's a supporter of Adolf Hitler. She said that her husbands election was the first time she was proud of her country so therefore she didn't agree with us defeating the Nazis. If she was proud of that she would have mentioned it.
In answer to your question however I am going to go with both.
Language policing is just one more way to avoid dealing with real issues. Of course words can hurt people, and words that are used to plan violence are in a category of their own. That's not what I mean by language policing, that's possibly a serious offense. But what Roseanne did? As far as I know, she wasn't inciting violence towards anyone. It was a careless, unkind, stupid remark--not in the least funny. But there's far worse seen constantly on the internet. If you ask me, the KYS (kill yourself) trend is far more egregious in terms of hate speech. Samantha Bee's comment? Same category as Roseanne's. Why was Roseanne punished in the way she was? ABC had a P.R. problem. I'm not saying Roseanne didn't deserve some punishment--certainly she did. People claiming ABC firing her is some great victory over racism are deluding themselves though (in my opinion).
Roseanne was severely punished because Valerie Jarrett is a pale sorta kinda African American who the Clintons promoted to give an impression of diverse hiring. I don't blame ABC for what they did though. It was a matter of business, and Roseanne Barr is a moron for belching out what she did on Twitter. Either she doesn't know the present ground rules, which makes her obtuse, or she does know the ground rules (don't dare poke fun at or insult African Americans, no matter how pale, whether they were born in Iran, whether their mothers were white, etc) and went ahead with her BS anyway, which makes her a moron if she imagined any other outcome but swift dismissal. Maybe it was subconscious career suicide.
Oddly enough, I find your comments here far more offensive than Roseanne's. However, I don't think you deserve to lose your job, whatever it may be. (Unless, of course, you're an etiquette coach, in which case, to the dust bin of history with you!)
"Oddly enough, I find your comments here far more offensive than Roseanne's."
Gee whiz. That's odd. You seem to suffer from both hypersensitivity and general misunderstanding. But don't worry. If your real name is outed I won't urge your employer to fire you for those issues. Good that we're in agreement on some points at least.
"If your real name is outed..." is a really good point actually. There's so much garbage on the internet by anonymous trolls. The problem for someone like Roseanne under the influence of ambien tweeting, is she forgot she wasn't anonymous. I feel her punishment is at least in part due to the general anger felt towards those trolls.
It's plausible that Barr, the idiot she is, didn't even know Jarrett is a self-identifying African American. She sure doesn't look it. Jarrett has more European DNA than African.
The indignation coming from the media on this one is phony to the core. I could care less about Rosanne Barr. I never liked her or her show one bit, but she's been hammered into oblivion mainly because she's a known Trump supporter.
The thing is, it's not even comedy. It's just plain insulting, crass name calling to a receptive crowd. It's indicative of Bee's lack of talent that she can't even be clever (or funny) with these "observations."
It was poor form, and wasn't funny. Just being abrasive for its own sake.
Guaranteed, though, if this had happened, say, before the Roseanne thing, then it would have barely registered. Right-wingers wanted a liberal head to roll in retaliation for Roseanne.
But that's only because they forgot about Kathy Griffin, among others, and somehow believe these things are "accepted by the Left" when it's from a "liberal."
Short-term memory, basically... And seeing what they want to see.
Guaranteed, though, if this had happened, say, before the Roseanne thing, then it would have barely registered. Right-wingers wanted a liberal head to roll in retaliation for Roseanne.
Most "right wingers" don't give two shits about Roseanne, they give a shit about censorship.
As a black man, I find Bee just as offensive (actually more so) than Roseanne calling a Iranian woman part of the Muslim brotherhood (how far off base is that) and an ape. So what. And since when are Iranians identifying as blacks??
EDIT: without modifying my original message, I want (in fairness) to point out that I didn't realize she was Iranian only by birth (that's what I read when I Googled) and identifies as African American (she's 45% black) despite the fact she looks white and/or Hispanic.
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I guess you don't own a mirror.. I'm a racist if I don't tote the Democratic Party bag for you. How racist. If you expect me to dance on the Democrat Plantation for your amusement or profit you can forget it. I don't need your welfare and I don't need your victimization suggestions. You are a *special* kind of racist; offering an extended hand that hides chains.
Try reading the collective works of Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Walter Williams, or Thomas Sowell if you have some small interest in how my politics evolved.
I dont give a shit what your opinion is, but youre presenting your argument "as a black man" and its not the first time Ive seen you do it.
And I'll continue to do so. Seems black conservatives are rare (about 10% I've read) and many of those who are are just resigned to keeping quiet. I did for years but at my age, my filters have gone missing. In any case, why shouldn't I offer a qualifier (as apposed to an "elevator") to anything I say when comes to racially charged comments? It just cuts those off at the pass who think I'm white.
And no, it doesn't make me feel better that you're a racist, but I would feel better if you could find it within yourself to search for the truth instead of rooting for your party like it was a sports team.
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Might not be as bad as racism, but from a business standpoint, it should be a fireable offense. I sure as hell wouldn't want someone like that working for me. Can you imagine if someone called Chelsea Clinton the same word?
People like you WOULD call Chelsea such a thing just for sport, just for the thrill of the big zinger and then go off on some free speech argument and hypocrisy. So it's your right to be rude for no good purpose, while Bee is supposed to shut up while families are being destroyed. You don't care about issues, you just want to support the present status quo and give it to us Lib-tards.
In what context would Chelsea be called such a thing? Bee's pissed because Ivanka is standing mute while her Dad is threatening to separate children from their parents. Sure she used an unnecessary vulgarism, but that's not really the point.
Well, shes riding her parents coat tails and is involved in the Clinton Foundation for one.
Listen, I'm an Independent. I just don't like the double standard here. If a Conservative called a Liberal a feckless cunt in this day and age, there would be an uproar.
About the the border issue. No fucking wall, but I strongly believe we have to enforce out border. Maybe the parents shouldn't sneak into out country illegally while risking their children's lives on the journey? My father came here legally in the 50's and they sacrificed a lot. They were dirt poor by the way. My grandfather first came alone, got a job, housing and then sent for the rest of the family. It was a long process and it worked. They easily could have just come here and overstayed their visa, but they didn't.
I honor your family. My family was similar -- Swedish, poor, claimed land in North Dakota, one of the most god-forsaken places in the lower 48. But two or three gens later, here I am, still hard-scrabbling for what I can get.
These New Immigrants aren't any worse than us. Just trying to get a break in a hard world.
Samantha Bees comments were far worse, they were explicit and they were sexist. Samantha Bee is filled with hate plain and simple and it’s a damn shame that there are people like her.
Her comments were beyond offensive and sexist no ifs ands or buts
Bee using the C word has provided us some great comedy though. Not on her show, but from all the conservatives attempting to argue that using a profanity like that is worse than a racial insult, one that's part of a long history of racial stereotyping.