Very fine on Broadway now
My wife saw Maggie as Madge in Picnic three weeks ago and came home stunned. She is on an overseas trip now and wont be able to, but she talked of going back to take Maggie in a second time.
I saw Maggie in Picnic tonight and would agree. Madge is a very pretty blond girl of 17 (Maggie Grace came across well as of that age) in a very small town in Oklahoma where everyone seems bored out of their skulls. She gets some nagging from her pretentious mom and has a dull boyfriend of sorts who announces he is going away for yet another year (his fifth) at college. She's not always the one doing the talking but I could see the audiences' eyes always glued to her.
Enter Hal the drifter and odd-job guy who hops off a train. He was was once in a fraternity at a fine school but has lost his nerve and it turns out has no longer any faith in himself. Most of the first act he is without a shirt working in the yard and all the women on stage dont know where to look - well, most of them do look. Madge not least.
There is an absolutely explosive coming together of Madge and Hal at the end of the first act when finally they are left alone. It continues at the start of the second act. She is stunning in a strapless dress with a full skirt twice, not in those scenes, but you can see then why she is so beyond what that town is about.
I really like the way Maggie moves, I see that commented on in other threads and in this part it really works. Typical tall girl. She was having to sit down on the front stairs a lot, nicely done. I also liked what she did at curtain call, she seemed almost too shy to look at the audience straight, and was looking along the line at her "mom" and another older lady (Ellen Burstyn) who did fine work disagreeing about how Madge ought to be (the Ellen Burstyn part "gets" Madge but her mom just doesnt).
Fine stage work from someone crossing over from movies and TV - we have seen many who pulled it off worse! - and I sure hope we get a chance to see her in something again.