MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > The Two Sides in This Case

The Two Sides in This Case

He's not guilty = those who watched the trial, saw the videos

He's guilty = those who blindly accept what the mainstream media tells them as truth


100% agree.
i absolutely think it was a pure act of idiocy for him to be there.
it's also completely clear that each shot he fired was in self-defense, not aggression.


It's a perfect example of cognitive dissonance crashing headlong into reality.


It is a perfect example of someone who was too immature to own an AR, let alone to carry it in the streets during a riot.


"It is a perfect example of someone who was too immature to own an AR, let alone to carry it in the streets during a riot."

Thank you for presenting an example of cognitive dissonance.

The actual evidence shows that Rittenhouse acted very mature. He was attacked and attempted to retreat. When he was cornered he judiciously used self defense. When he was attacked again, he attempted to retreat, only using force against those who were attacking him. When confronted by a man who also had a gun, he didn't fire, instead just using his weapon to hold the man at bay. Only when the other man raised his gun and pointed it at him, did Rittenhouse fire his weapon.

That's pretty much the definition of mature. And the jury agreed. Just as every logically thinking person agrees.

Meanwhile, you're on here posting like a clown calling others immature.

Like I said, you're funny.


Kinyink=douchebag sandwich


Hypocrisy isn't in the hard left's dictionary.


I don't find kids who think its cool to run around playing rambo with real guns to very mature. I don't find the rioters to be mature either.


Your dumbass opinion is duly noted.


Going to a riot with an assault rifle is not mature.


"Going to a riot with an assault rifle is not mature."

Lying about a gun being an 'assault rifle' is being a dishonest turd.


Exactly. Those who analyse facts and evidence. Those who live in a fantasy world.


Absolute truth. MSM is one of the biggest villains in this global effort to overthrow not just America, but Western Civilization itself. They tried to turn everything on its head. Kyle was just trying to defend his neighborhood (he worked in Kenosha and his father lived there), from a rent-a-mob and he was *forced* to defend himself against a literal child rapist (Rosenbaum), a date rapist and wife beater (Huber) and a burglar and grandma puncher (Grosskrautz) that was wreaking havoc in the neighborhood and who LITERALLY threatened his life before everything kicked off. The police retreated, they chased Kyle until he had nowhere else to run, and only then did he turn and fire. MSM (who are apparently controlled by the same billionaires that finance the rent-a-mobs) tried to paint Kyle as the villain, and IT FUCKING WORKED!!!

Good to see truth and common sense is finding its way around the stranglehold of mainstream media.


Maybe the wrongful death suit will end differently. Senile old Judge Mush For Brains won't get to preside over that one.


Lol. And they'll lose in court on that one too.


What evidence can they possibly use for that? The same evidence that freed Kyle?


Hes guilty of something, being fucking moron. If you have get your mommy drive across state lines, so you can play rambo. Then your no fucking hero, your a fucking Dumbass. That kid was looking for trouble and he fucking got it. Even if he wasn't found guilty. This is not going be good for him. Just like being found not guilty wasn't good for O.J. Simpsons.


Ma Rottenhouse is no saint either.


"If you have get your mommy drive across state lines"

Proof you're a moron getting your information from the lying mainstream media.

It was revealed during testimony at the trial that Kyle drove himself to Kenosha. And what does crossing a state line have to do with anything?

Were you paying attention during the trial, or were you just swallowing what was spoon-fed to you by the media?

Yeah, I thought so.


this 'state lines' nonsense is one of the weirdest talking points.

the drive he had to get to kenosha took less time than it would take for me to get to the airport from my city's downtown, even in light traffic.

are state lines now equivalent to country borders in the us? that's news to me.


Yeah, suddenly the liberals are concerned about borders.



Did i say i was a liberal. Im just not a fucking moron who thinks having 17 years old running shooting people is such a super great thing. I don't like the rioters, either. Get your head out your ass. Not everything is about your black and white tribalistic worldview bullshit, o.k. Stop getting all your news from Fox News. and No i don't watch MSNBC and CNN either. They suck just as much.


Aw, did I hurt your feelings by pointing out you swallowed the liberal bullshit of the MSM without even checking to see if it's true?

So if you don't watch MSNBC or CNN, where did you hear that his 'mommy' drove him across 'state lines'?

You don't have to 'say' you're a liberal if you're parroting liberal talking points. If you want to pretend you're some independent thinker, then act like it.


They act like this “crossing state lines” is some sort of crime in and of itself. Meanwhile, the guy’s Illinois apartment was a mile south of the Wisconsin border.


You're proving my point by repeating misinformation spread by the mainstream media. His mother did not drive him anywhere. She was asleep at the time. Kyle drove himself to Kenosha, which is where he worked, and where is father lives, in order to protect his neighborhood. It was a brave, and perhaps foolhardy, thing to do, but in no way criminal or immoral. He saw criminals rioting, looting, and burning down his home, and he went to help those who were being injured. He armed himself, after arriving in Kenosha, which a very wise move, and he was forced by assailants to protect himself.


I think people forget the point is that NONE OF THEM SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE, PERIOD! That excuse is such a moot point. If I recall, there was a curfew set by the mayor to go back home after 9-10pm to resume protesting at around 8-11am. Everyone ignored it and no National Guard was deployed when shit hit the fan. If anything, cops were under powered hence why they weren't really doing the job they're suppose to do when the people hated the cops along with the mayor not giving them adequate backup.


Hmm, so it was the Sheriff that enacted the curfew which was apparently unlawful but still, no one should've been there but here we are, they were, so expect the expected.

Though this says officials so I am not sure if they mean government officials or what.


across state lines mashup!!!!


Suddenly borders matter to the left!


Wow. It's scary hearing it all together like that.

Every one of those idiots are saying 'across state lines,' but none of them stop to say why that matters.

Because it doesn't. They're just trying to insinuate that Rittenhouse was up to something nefarious.

And their libtard listeners just lap it up without thinking.
