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shareHemsworth at least looks and acts better than that pig-faced troglodyte you worship, Charlie Hunnam.
shareI do love these pseudo intellectual fangirls, like the OP here, trying to sound like they actually posses a brain. Use less choppy sentences, Sweetie. Next time someone might buy your bs, but in the meantime you can stay a jealous bitter hag. How sad your existance must be to troll the board of an actor you don't like. Doth protest too much.
shareWhat ever you say, Sweetie. You lost this argument when you started the thread with your gibberish that failed to have any original or meaningful thought. I'm still not impressed, and less impressed because you're still trolling this board. Get a life.
shareHoly cow. Seriously? I'd be worried about him if he took that much time with his eyebrows. Seems kind of antithetical to his masculine image.