Gazpacho police

Known for their flechette ammo?
She meant Gestapo but was too weakened from a lack of vaccine...


She got people like you talking about her non stop by saying that. Mission accomplished.


She boldly obliterates LIEberal idiotology at every turn -- love her!


Things went sour under command of Donald Trump and family.. They might have caused a future civil war because of the extreme political polarization they furthered.


Actually, things went sour under Obama, although the political polarization was present when George W. was Prez; I'm talking about the hateful opposition of Dems/Libs in politics & media.

The corruption and incompetence of the NObama administration is incomparable:

- The “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” LIE
- Totally fudging-up the health care system
- IRS targeting conservatives; If there was no IRS scandal, why did Lois Lerner plead the fifth? Innocent people don't plead the fifth
- The Benghazi fiasco
- The "spontaneous reaction to a video" LIE
- Fast & Furious and Eric Holder’s resignation
- The Bowe Bergdahl farce
- Legally allowing mentally ill men to use the women's restroom
- Failed green investments, like Solyndra, which cost taxpayers millions of dollars
- V.A. corruption
- NSA domestic spying
- The absurd $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran
- The $800 billion non-stimulus and the non-"shovel ready" jobs it created
- Obama's Lawless use of his Deep State minions within the FBI and his secret government wire taps which were used to try and steal the 2016 election
- A Champion for infanticide, signed a bill that would allow babies to die on the table after a botched abortion
- Allowing Russia to interfere in elections
- Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton
- Uranium One

When Dems brazenly stole the 2020 election with their glaring voting fraud they declared war on the American people. Trump was winning by hundreds of thousands of votes in five key swing states (MI, WI, PA, NC and GA) when voting mysteriously stopped simultaneously in the wee hours of the night in Dem-controlled districts of Big Cities (something that's never happened before); then the vans pulled in and the suitcases of fraudulent votes were pulled out.

Biden's "win" was illegitimate and statistically impossible. He hid in his basement during campaign season and, when he did venture out, he could only draw 11-38 people (literally). The idea that he got 81 million votes -- the most votes in history BY FAR and 12 million more than Obama at the height of his popularity in 2008 -- is The Big LIE.


You're a complete and total moron.

You know that, right? or are you so stupid you can't figure that out? Oh, I'm sorry, that's probably it.


A complete fucking idiot, that Wuchak.


All I did was list facts ignored by the lamestream media, which is an (unofficial) auxiliary of the Dem Party. Are you reality-phobic or what?


LOL. "Facts"= whatever conspiracy theory nonsense the right wing shills tell you to believe.


I'm Independent in the truest sense, Brah.

These days anything remotely right of the looney Left is considered "right wing" (rolling my eyes).


Sure you are. At yet you're parroting debunked crap that only survives because Trump and Fox and other RWNJ sites keep repeating it.

Hmm, how odd.


You’re insane


No, the people who actually believe there are hundreds of genders and that Obiden got 81 million votes are. These are the same folks who've gotten 3 ineffective vaccine shots and yet blame the people who refused for glaring legit reasons.


