MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > We train police to be warriors — and the...

We train police to be warriors — and then send them out to be social workers

Police do fight crime, to be sure — but they are mainly called upon to be social workers, conflict mediators, traffic directors, mental health counselors, detailed report writers, neighborhood patrollers, and low-level law enforcers, sometimes all in the span of a single shift. In fact, the overwhelming majority of officers spend only a small fraction of their time responding to violent crime.

However, the institution of policing in America does not reflect that reality. We prepare police officers for a job we imagine them to have rather than the role they actually perform. Police are hired disproportionately from the military, trained in military-style academies that focus largely on the deployment of force and law, and equipped with lethal weapons at all times, and they operate within a culture that takes pride in warriorship, combat, and violence.

Read on for more education on the matter.


There are, of course, some good police, but the primary function of many seems to be to rake in revenue by writing chickenshit tickets. Unfortunately, there's not enough vetting to weed out the bullies, psychos, and petty power trippers at the recruiting stage.
