Police are a problem for everyone. Disproportionately they murder black people more but they murder everyone. They lost the opportunity to reform and/or defund the police by making just about black people. If they made it a problem for everyone as everyone can see police are a problem for everyone they would have gotten more wide support. No one can forget that image of the police shoving the old man to the ground and blood pouring out his ear. No one can forget the police breaking that old lady's arm in Colorado and then laughing about it.
There's a movie about police corruption called Serpico.
Police don't do anything about corruption. Deleting the police would solve 7 million problems. You'd also delete the corruption. The idea that we need to be protected by police is a childish and naive symptom of Stockholm syndrome. Police are a 100 year old psychological concept that has failed. It's like having a bunch of poorly trained psychologists run around with guns.
One example of how huge a failure punishment and the violence class is is Afghanistan. One huge proof of how there are better systems is Portugal's decriminalization of drugs.
My house has never been burgled nor has any of my neighbors. You must be doing something wrong to have your house be burgled.
Never been mugged, except by police - ie. ticketed. Car has never been stolen except by police who towed it when I was parked in an unmarked parking space and they ransomed it for $110.
Most likely the police are going to kill someone I care about.
LAPD releases video in police killing of 14-year-old girl in clothing store https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/27/los-angeles-police-burlington-killing-video
No if someone I care about is "killed" I wouldn't call police, I'd call a doctor to save their life.
No I will never call the police. Everyone these days knows to never ever call the police.
"Also you can twist stats all you want but more white people are killed by police than black."
I wrote that pay attention. Oh it seems like you're prepared for this one. Before I even mention any statistics you're suggesting they are twisted. Be quiet child. Wait until you're paying property taxes.
Think you need to look at yourself for that. I am not the one complaining and screaming about the police. That would be you.
No I will never call the police
Cool. Then stop complaining about a service you wil never use. Othe rpoeple though do use them and need them. You do not speak for them nor ever will do.
Before I even mention any statistics you're suggesting they are twisted
Disproportionately they murder black people more but they murder everyone
Nope just replying to what you wrote. More white people are killed than black. When you say Disprprtionately you are twisting stats otherwise you wouldn't use the word.
Ok then disproportionately more black people commit more crimes. See how that works.
Finally. Who said I had been burgled or had been a victim of crime in any way. I didn't so nice assumption. I gave a hyperthetical which you obviously don't have the comprehension to understand.
Most likely the police are going to kill someone I care about
You are an odd one. You are either trolling or you are disturbed. I'll tell you what next time I see the roaming bands of cops looking to kill people i'll make sure to tell you so you can go run and hide. You are something else with that statement.
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- Karens are the ones who call the police on anyone for everything and live so afraid of their own shadows they think they need the police. So no that's you.
- I'm going to complain about the service I never use BECAUSE I PAY TOO MUCH FOR IT, and they only serve to terrorize me. I don't go out for nice weekend evening drives anymore because the police are always lurking like highwaymen trying to mug people.
-"Nope just replying to what you wrote. More white people are killed than black."
Once again read the original post. (How many times do I have to repeat this). That's what I wrote. Do you understand the word DISPROPORTIONATELY? It means out of every 1000 or so black people the police kill 8 of them while out of every 1000 white people police kill 5 of them. That's what PROPORTIONATELY means. They kill more black people per capita than white even though they kill more white people, because there are more white people.
- You're the odd one, incredibly ignorant, confused and disturbed and most definitely cannot think critically enough to even know what proportion means, nor think for yourself. You've been told all your life to be afraid of the bogeyman so you choose something that is far more dangerous to you. Ie. you give up liberty for false sense of safety and so you deserve neither.
Well time for some facts since you're in so much denial.
People shot to death by U.S. police 2017-2022, by race
Published by Statista Research Department, Feb 1, 2022
Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 995 civilians having been shot, 117 of whom were Black, as of December 2021. In 2020, there were 1,021 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 there were 999 fatal shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 38 fatal shootings per million of the population as of January 2022. https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/
deleting the police... and who is in it's place? simple anarchy? that does not work which is why we created police.
I'm not sure you understand how society, at large, operates effectively.
You know people tend to take other people's things, right?
We have anarchy as it is. The police run drugs, drop off caches of weapons in dumpsters in Chicago, are corrupt beyond measure and every aspect of our society is corrupt beyond measure. The only people that play it square are the middle class and they are milked for everything.
The police were created a long time ago as an archaic psychological experiment/cum military against the people. Time to reform the whole system of imbalance.
I don't know what reality you live in but when the police are operating drug running operations, that's anarchy. My situation is the same as every other middle class community in America. Everywhere we are under threat from the police.
just started to read a thing about what COULD work better than the police.
talks about a black man being gunned down again. it describes the incident caught on video:
starts calm, perp doesn't follow simple instructions, then RESISTS ARREST....
hold the phone. how many times have we read this?
it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know to NOT ignore people holding guns.
THIS is the polices fault????
perhaps instead of defunding anything, we could teach people to FUCKING LISTEN.
there is really no further need for this stupid topic. obey the fuckin police and you will be fine.
Of course it is the police's fault. Every American has the god given right to resist being assaulted and defend themselves. Sorry but not FUCKING LISTENING is not a crime, nor is it punishable by death. What's more is what if the victim is deaf or speaks another language and CANNOT listen?? Your justifications to defend tyrants have so many holes in it. The police are not judge jury and executioner. Ever heard of DUE PROCESS???
That's what I said. Police kill white people in far greater numbers, however per population they kill more black people. That's exactly my point they are a problem for everyone. Thank you for restating my point.
Well time for some facts since you're in so much denial.
People shot to death by U.S. police 2017-2022, by race
Published by Statista Research Department, Feb 1, 2022
Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 995 civilians having been shot, 117 of whom were Black, as of December 2021. In 2020, there were 1,021 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 there were 999 fatal shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 38 fatal shootings per million of the population as of January 2022. https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/
So does that mean police are shooting black people more for no reason as you say or are more black people commiting more crimes and resisting arrest. One of them is true. I'm going for the 2nd answer.
There is a great video from a black man (shocker i know, i'll see of i can find it) that parrots these statistics back to people and they all smile and then he shocks them by saying and of course i am paraphrasing but basically police shootings on black individuals constitute 2% of all shootings against black people so why are we not talking about the 98% of shootings by other black people. They seemed to go very quiet about that, why is that. Same with yourslef why does no one want to talk about the almost epidemic levels on black shootings that result in a black person being killed. I know why because it doesn't follwo the anti white or police narrative and so is brushed under the carpet.
If someone who has the same skin colour as you doesn't care about shooting you why should anyone else care when your commiting a crime or resisting arrest.
No, not everyone. Police are only a problem for those who chose to live in anarchy. The rest of us pay for police protection with our tax dollars. Civilized societies have been doing this since man walked upright.
So, what "think" tank is paying you to post here and how much are you getting? You most likely be further ahead to become an Uber driver or just work "go fund me."