MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > Why doesn’t David Dorn get his own page?

Why doesn’t David Dorn get his own page?

Didn’t his life matter?




St Louis police captain who was murdered by BLM while trying to defend a store. He was black btw if that matters


You said it yourself "police". So, no his life doesn't matter according to the libturds. If George Floyd gets a page, then Mr. Dorn should too.


Let's make him a page, then.


Are we able to? And yes he does deserve his own page and his own memorial even though the left wants to just forget about him. The man died with honor and wasn’t some thug who just stopped giving a damn about society.


He doesn't fit the left's agenda.


Exactly, the left doesn’t give a damn about black lives, they just pretend to whenever they can exploit political points from them.


My favorite lately has to be, BLM was headed over somewhere I want to say Ohio (I can get the article if anyone is interested) because they heard there was another police involved shooting. When they heard it was a white person, they left without any "protesting". TBH I fucking hate BLM and ANTIFA but, you claim you stand for something, you'd better mean it.


Absolutely disgusting, their value of life is dictated by skin color which ironically makes them racist. (not that we didn't already know that.)

I know facts don't mean anything to them but every year for the past 4 years almost twice as many white people were shot by the cops than black people yet black people outweigh whites in gangs 3:1. But let's not let facts get in the way of a false political narrative.


Police lives mattered to liberals in the Capitol riots.

They’re so hypocritical I’m surprised that they’re still able to convince dumb people to their cause.


it only matters when it fits their agenda...


That’s a great idea


An actor or other person in the entertainment business will normally have their page created on IMDB. If it's not there, then anyone can create a page for David Dorn by going to this link.

If David Dorn does not have a page, then it is most likely because YOU think his life does not matter.

Life is tough, it's tougher when you're stupid.


"then it is most likely because YOU think his life does not matter."

A lot of people don´t have the technical know-how to start an IMDB page. I didn´t even know random people could start them until you mentioned it in your comment.


See all of the names above ours? They are skilled enough to find this page. They most likely know enough to do a internet search to find imdb help section. I did not really know anything about making an imdb page until I looked at the link I provided above.

You can be fairly certain that moviechatuse, onemanarmy, mantoturst and jowilli care more about complaining on the internet than making an imdb page for anyone. If they went to the effort, then they would have one less thing to complain about.
