MovieChat Forums > Tatiana Maslany Discussion > The Tiniest 19 year old I've Seen on Scr...

The Tiniest 19 year old I've Seen on Screen?

Tatiana Maslany's year of birth according to is 1985. That meant she was perhaps 17 or 18 when filming Ginger Snaps 2. If so she's the tiniest teenager I've ever seen. I thought Ghost was perhaps 12 or 13.

That aside, her performance as Ghost was an eye opener. Ghost was insane but no one really knew until the end. Up to that point she seemed eccentric and perhaps in need of Ritalin.

I wish they'd do a Ginger Snaps 4: Brigid in the Cellar?


I wish they'd do a Ginger Snaps 4: Brigid in the Cellar? Aye, anything to add to that trilogy would be excellent. And yes, she does look very young in the movie (I'm watching the DVD right now). Weird, how you really can't tell with some people. It's the way she moves I think. Very kid-like. Aside from the makeup and clothes of course.
But I did sort of suspect she was a nutter in that movie, from Barbara's eyes, and some of the remarks she made.


When I first saw Ghost I thought she was just a little girl calling her dog, I couldn't believe she was 19.


Ghost made the movie for me. Crazy as she was she had imagination and she was very resourceful.


Just watched the movie for the first time. My guess was 14. But she seemed like she could drive a car, and I thought she can't be 16.

"You ate her, too. So why don't you kill yourself?"
"M for Mischa!"


They said she was about 18 or 19 when GS2 was filmed. The character of Ghost is 13 years old.

Random babblings from a Meryl Fan


If so she's the tiniest teenager I've ever seen
Paula E. Sheppard, who played 12-year-old Alice, Sweet Alice, was 19 during the making of the film.

I wish they'd do a Ginger Snaps 4: Brigid in the Cellar?
I wouldn't mind one now. I hated the ending to 2, I even wrote a fan script to follow it. Tried sending the script to the people that made it, can't remember who exactly. They said no part 4 was planned, but they were thinking of a TV series.

This was years ago, the TV show ain't happening.

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Hated her character but her performance was great. Had no idea how old she was as the makeup/costume must have made her look much younger on screen. She looked more her age in Diary of the Dead.


Yeah she was 18 or 19 in Ginger Snaps 2 when it came out in '04, but I think she just looks young for her age.
I'm 22 and a lot of people don't believe I'm older than 17. And when I worked with a school group of 6th graders at work last year my crew members picked on me because they lost me in the crowd of them because I wasn't much taller than those kids, even though I'm 5'3" or 5'4", which I had never considered that short for an average girl.
It's a bit annoying now but I'm sure I'll be grateful when I'm middle aged.
