Health Problems?

She seems prone to health issues, first at age 25 being diagnosed with ovarian cancer (one of the deadliest forms of cancer and among the hardest to treat, thankfully she got it detected early at a stage where it was treatable and survivable) and recently she broke her leg and doesn't know how it happened. She doesn't seem like a sickly person but does she have problems with her health or something? Maybe hereditary? It's sad, she seems like a sweet person and at only 33 seems prone to certain health afflictions.


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How does this make her prone to health issues? Two things in 33 years? Serious things, yes, but I know of many people who have been through similar by the time they reached 33, two of whom died from ovarian cancer.

I was gonna let you *beep* me, but I got my rag, and I know how you hate a mess


It just seems strange to me that at her age she seems to have some severe health issues.


Ovarian cancer at 25 seems to indicate she won't have to make plans for her old age.


She got the cancer treated at an early stage but she said she'll never feel completely cancer-free. Hopefully she undergoes regular treatments and check-ups to keep it at bay.


ThomasMuf, you most likely won't read this reply. If you do, feel free to text me, my cellphone number is 7204967446 and my name is Jennifer.

You are busy saying terrible things about people you don't know. You fill your time perusing the internet, searching for the perfect opportunity to say "the wrong thing" hoping that someone will engage with you.

This specific comment on imdb didn't work out for you. There are countless other nasty comments that
you have left, hoping to ruffle feathers.

I hope that you find acceptance and love. You deserve being happy, and I truly hope that you get your "happy ever after"


Hi Jen... no I'm not going to text you and my cell phone is turned on once a day before I go to work to check to see if work is canceled or if a guy needs a ride.
I don't see why people cut down or post negative comments about people who have done some screen time as if their personal lives are better or they could be more sexy or creative if they themselves had the same role.
I never heard of CS before the movie "Results" and then found out I had a few other movies with her in them. I have nothing negative to say about her and hope to see more movies starring her. I hope she can get over whatever health problems and make many more movies.

Just curious... did random people actually call you after posting a number on this site?


I guess in life there is no sure things.... you may be cancer free but die in a car crash later in the day. I do hope Colbie makes more movies and I would like to see more of her on my TV. I wish her the BEST in her personal life!!!!
