MovieChat Forums > Cobie Smulders Discussion > Does she sound Canadian?

Does she sound Canadian?

She plays a Canadian on HIMYM, but her accent doesn't give it away... I think. Also, she doesn't sound Canadian in real life.

Whay do you think?


Not everyone from Canada has an accent. And with the ones who do, it depends on which part of Canada they come from. I have family from Canada on both sides of my family. From ALL OVER the country. Some have only the slightest of accents on particular words. The members of my family from there who moved to the U.S.A. and became citizens; from my Dad's side, despite being here most of their lives still have a very heavy accent. On Mom's side; only the older members have one. And despite the fact that they all came from the same province, each of them has a slightly different inflection in their voice no matter what language they speak; French or English.

My older brother and I are one of the few next gens that are multi-linguistic. And the only reason we are is because English is our 2nd language and French as our 1st, because that's what we were taught. Lack of speaking it has made it difficult to be as fluent as we were. And when I was younger, I DID have a noticeable accent. And from what my friends say; whenever I get upset or have a few drinks, the accent is very heavy.

I saw an episode of Smallville that Colbie seemed to have a little different inflection in her voice. Hell, the first time I ever heard Christian Bale speak using his normal voice, I was in shock. Had no idea he was Welsh.


Actually everyone from Canada has an accent. It is called a Canadian accent. Just like everyone from America has an American accent. It astounds me the arrogance North Americans have about them being the default sounding human. When they only became a country and lost the British accent a few hundred years ago.


I know, the ethnocentricism is ridiculous... "omg, everyone in the world has an accent but us!"

I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom while I eat, drink and whore my way to an early grave.


Oh Liam, your anti Americanism is showing. There is no such thing as an "American" accent, you bleeding wanker. You really think a Northeast Yankee sounds like a Southern redneck? Or a Mid West hick or a California Valley Girl? You smug Eurotrash think you're soooo superior. If it wasn't for America you'd be speaking German, or, more likely, Russian. A simple thank you and going back to being the Second World nation you've become would suffice. Ta.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Why so butt hurt? Why get mad about an American perpetuating a stereotype (although I think it was just a misunderstanding) when you just follow it up with another? "You Americans and your stereotypes" as if we're all like that. Well the world isn't that black & white. As much as we wish we knew everything about a culture based on a few people on the internet, we haven't even scratched the surface. If you're curious, why don't you come hang out with me? We're all the same, guys. This is the same mistakes that politicians and war-mongers have been making since the dawn of time. We are no better than blood-thirsty raping territorial that sense at least. Who wants a hug? I do. Anyway this is a ridiculous argument and it's never going to be solved because there have been millions like this and we're just going to have to all grow up and be civil.

This is Mike. He saves ghettos.


Yes, everyone in the US has an accent, but midwest hick? Really?
There ARE cities in the midwest. It's not all farmland.


Lol I was born in Chicago, grew up in Omaha and live in the Twin Cities, so please, don't try and tell me there isn't a Midwest hick accent.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


This is a dumb post to write. Not everyone has the same dialect in America, Canada or even England.
