MovieChat Forums > Hunter Biden Discussion > He's such a liability to his father

He's such a liability to his father

Yet Joe treats his son like a he din do nuffin-type parent when it's so obvious he's washed up and continues to disappoint the family. Son also uses his status to get his own stuff he's suffering from.


Smartest man he knows!


How do you think Biden affords to live like a multimillionaire on a public servant's salary? He gets that 10% for the Big Guy. And who does that wheeling and dealing? Hunter.


Well when you share a bank account that gets filled by foreign energy companies, that's just how it goes. Oh, and also art collectors. Many rich people love to just buy prints, not the original mind you, but prints of Hunter Biden art for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Totally not money laundering and bribes for access. Hunter is really that good!


Dementia Hitler's main liability is himself. Hunter is his second liability.
