Last Man On Earth

I think its going to be a very good vehicle for her. She had a lot of chemistry with Forte


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You me it had. that nasty fugly troll. Nobody wants to think about being with that Beast. This Hobgoblin has got to go.


Glad to see the USMC showed you how to copy and paste. Our tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen. You could have saved us a lot of money by just being a garbage man. Because that is all you sling.


Yup don't be upset with me cuz the Marines wouldn't take you.
Stop trying to ride to the rescue and white knight for some millionaire that wouldn't do the same for you lol. I get to post just like everyone else gets over it lol.


Goodbye English language and may you rest in eternal peace.

Not to mention I have never used the term "black knight". So I know not of what you speak of Milady.


No I haven't nor do I delete anything for the historians may one day need to know and understand the battles fought and won here on these boards and against these hordes.
You have a little something on your chin Milady.


Oh Please, when I was growing up only the guys who didn't have a plan went into the military. I didn't even try to get into any armed forces. I grew up in a military family but found better. But thank you for your concern.
