No Kick Ass 3?

It’s not that the world is screaming for a 3rd one, but I thought they’d at least give it one more go. It’d be nice to revisit Dave & Mindy as adults & see what they’re up to & what trouble they can get into. It would be interesting to see what a 30/40ish middle aged Hit Girl would be like. Maybe she’d be calmer.

It’s a long shot, if it hasn’t happened already I doubt it & Moretz is probably doing more worthwhile stuff but it’s nice to think it still can happen. If they play their cards right they can create some semblance of a decent story I think. You don’t have to try that hard to make a better film than Kick Ass 2.


Didn't Moretz say a while back she'd aged out of the role? I seem to remember she'd set herself a deadline by which it had to happen, and it didn't.


The first Kick-Ass is a great standalone alternative superhero movie, but the second one was inferior and pushed all the wrong buttons, especially the (former) Red Mist character turning into such an obnoxious supervillain, which was in VERY bad taste in general. No wonder Jim Carrey soured on the project.


You’re right AMJF, it was inferior in every way you can think of & indeed it did “push all the wrong buttons”. God knows what they were thinking, & Red Mist got on my damn last nerve. Talk about overkill & hamming it up. Geez, again what were they thinking? With the way Mindy was, it’s a wonder Dave didn’t drop her as a friend, I would have. It was nice to see Ser Jorah as a gangster. Wish he was the main villain! Would’ve been fun. Oh well.


I can't imagine such a libertarian movie made today.


It's being rebooted. Matthew Vaughn said so.
